Dosage advice


New member
Quick stats: wt-210 ht-5'10 bf-20% 45 yr old Have been on cyp for 6 months as prescribed by doc account lo-T. Currently doing 2 one ml injections every 2 weeks @ 200 mg per one ml vial. My question - is this a good dosage for increasing strength and size? I have just started lifting again for 1yr now after a 6 yr break. Did notice some gains in strength after starting the cyp. Just wondering if I should increase the dosage or not. Current total test levels are 327. Doc says I am within normal range. I would like to be around 600-800. Would this be advisable and healthy? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Quick stats: wt-210 ht-5'10 bf-20% 45 yr old Have been on cyp for 6 months as prescribed by doc account lo-T. Currently doing 2 one ml injections every 2 weeks @ 200 mg per one ml vial. My question - is this a good dosage for increasing strength and size? I have just started lifting again for 1yr now after a 6 yr break. Did notice some gains in strength after starting the cyp. Just wondering if I should increase the dosage or not. Current total test levels are 327. Doc says I am within normal range. I would like to be around 600-800. Would this be advisable and healthy? Thanks in advance for any advice.

First off welcome! And 400mg per week of cypionate is a solid dose for gaining muscle but your taking that every two weeks so I personally would take it weekly and if you can't up the dose to 400mg each week then I would split the 400mg up and use 200mg per week but I wouldn't wait two weeks between shots
Thanks for the quick response Presser. I will try the 200mg per week for now. Due to have follow-up blood work in eight weeks. If levels are still in the 300's will increase dosage. Don't want doc to get suspicious and cut script off. Seems hard set on keeping levels around this mark. After blood work is completed, in 8 wks, next visit will be in 6 mos. Have enough cyp on hand for eight mos @ 200 mg weekly. What is a good level for total test anyway for good gains?
I think having slightly higher levels (i.e. 1000-1200 range) is much healthier than the 327 you have now (unless you have some sort of other medical condition). There are more correlations with low testosterone levels and heart issues than their are with supraphysiological levels of testosterone. Your doc is a douche bag. I guarantee if those were his levels, he'd write himself a script to get them up to 1100.
at 200 mg a week your test levels will probably be over 1000 i would lower the dose to 100mg each week two week prior to getting blood work done so he keeps you at the 200 mg a week. also test levels will be at the highest 24-48 hrs after shot so if you see the doc on tuesday i wouldnt take the shot on sunday or let him know when you took it. being that your levels were 327 i bet you would do fine just on 100mg a week and save the rest for cycles. mine were 297 and doc gives me 100mg a week i save what i can to run a cycle once a year. you could easly run 2 or 3 cycles with what you are prescribed

almost forgot welcome to MC
200mg test cyp / week puts my test > 1500... Cracks me up when people say 200mg isn't anything. I'm sure everyone is different but sometimes less is more and quite frankly if I can get the job done with far less then that works for me. Good luck with your journey. I'm currently 245 lbs at 11% bf and just started my slow leaning phase to try and hang onto as much muscle as possible.
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Yep 200mg weekly is plenty to grow! I however would double it but that's me lol
like Presser, with cyp I would break it into half of the dose but once a week, so same total amount. I would also
suggest to start SLOWLY to get your diet better. People who start full out never seem to keep it up. Just start
to improve diet a little at a time. See where your test levels turn out. If after the 6 months check and you want
to up a little I would lower dose a little before next check up to they appear lower. (good idea Ironjulius)
I have done decent before on 500mg test-e every 2 weeks. Diet will make a big difference also. Keep us posted and
Thanks for the advice IronJulius and everone else! Hopefully levels @ 200mg weekly wont put me out of range (Doc range of 200-800). If it does I'll cut back prior to follow-up visit 6 mos out. Think I can reduce dosage enough to lower t range after that if needed. My script comes in 1ml 200 mg vials. If I only took 1/2 ml would that be the same as 100mg? Still new to all this, thanks.
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Thanks for the advice! Hopefully levels @ 200mg weekly wont put me out of range (Doc range of 200-800). If it does I'll cut back prior to follow-up visit 6 mos out. Think I can reduce dosage enough to lower t range after that if needed. My script comes in 1ml 200 mg vials. If I only took 1/2 ml would that be the same as 100mg? Still new to all this, thanks.

Yes that would be correct brutha. So if your ok with splitting the 1ml in half each week then that would be best to keep your levels even.
Ok thanks. Guess I better search around the site for some good meal plans next.

we have a Healthy Recipes Forum with some good meals and plans, but your more then welcome to Start a new thread asking for meal plans and what exactly your looking to do goal wise and you will get plenty of people helping you with that also. Its just always best to start a new thread with a proper title so everyone sees it and can reply with their help and idea for ya
Wellcome to musclechemistry man ! First I would find a new doc! That every two week shit is crap, I think 600-800 level is norm, I'm hrt from my doc and loving it! If you don't wanna up your dose and say with your doc, grap some musclechemistry igf and you would put on some nice gains
Checkout the XLRG plan (meal plan) that offers. If you follow I guarantee you will throw on the serious bulk.
we have a Healthy Recipes Forum with some good meals and plans, but your more then welcome to Start a new thread asking for meal plans and what exactly your looking to do goal wise and you will get plenty of people helping you with that also. Its just always best to start a new thread with a proper title so everyone sees it and can reply with their help and idea for ya

Forgot to post personal goals in my initial question. Not looking for dramatic results in overall muscle definition, looking more at increasing strength. 315 on bench is my goal for now. Currently lifting 4x weekly hitting all major muscle groups. Basic compound heavy lifting. Current bench is at 250x4. Seem to be stuck there. Trying to experiment with dosage to weekly pins instead of every 2 weeks. Seem to struggle on second week of training while doing bi-weekly doses.
Forgot to post personal goals in my initial question. Not looking for dramatic results in overall muscle definition, looking more at increasing strength. 315 on bench is my goal for now. Currently lifting 4x weekly hitting all major muscle groups. Basic compound heavy lifting. Current bench is at 250x4. Seem to be stuck there. Trying to experiment with dosage to weekly pins instead of every 2 weeks. Seem to struggle on second week of training while doing bi-weekly doses.

Yeah bro your levels are dropping off low in ur 2nd week as you now know, so you should really see and more importantly FEEL a big difference from switching to weekly shots instead of every 2 weeks.
How you doing tjx??

Hello everyone, been on vacation for a while. (2 wks in Fla) Back on track and working hard. Had a follow-up visit with Doc. Full panel blood-work results in. Total cholesterol - 166, HDL - 46, Triglycerides - 106, LDL - 99, Total testosterone - 927. Everything was within normal range except T. Doc says its a little high but agreed to keep me on the 1ml - 200mg injections weekly. Feel great! Getting closer to bench goal of 315. Any suggestions on T levels? Some say getting around the 1200 - 1500 level will provide greater gains. Thoughts?
i know this sounds weird but for me it really doesnt matter how high my T levels are for strength. i was actually stronger before i got on HRT but i look and feel better much better. for me strength comes from training hard and eating more also helps to have a good preworkout. unless your doc is really cool he will probably not keep prescribing it for 200mg a week if you are over 1000 so remember when you get blood work dont take that full 200mg that week try 100mg and your T levels are highest 24-48 hrs after shot. hope you enjoyed your vacation