Dosing masteron prop


New member
I just got a small order if mast prop. Small and prop because I want to see how I respond to this stuff and I figure if it doesn't agree with me it will clear quickly, and hopefully any side effects will also, hopefully.

I've never used a short ester in anything. It's dosed 100 mg/ml. So, if I want to start with a low dose of say 100 mg a week (this will be added to my 180 mg/week of yest cyp), what's the best way to get there?

I don't really want to do daily injections but I will if I have to. I'm hoping to do eod injections. Even that, though, would be a tiny amount per injection. So should I do 0.3 mg eod? Or should I go with a higher "try out dose"? Maybe 200 mg/week?
I know what u are using it for. My advice is doing 75 mg three times a week. If u wanna front load larger amount for better effect u can do that too.
I have read 150 a week is good for lack of dht sexual effects woods etc. Next time or get mast E. U can do enathate with your cyp 2 times week.
So so 75 three times first week do two with your c and other between
After that try 50 three times.
If not doing justice experiment higher. But 150 week should be sufficient. 400 week is min for cycle though
Guy's use mast on trt at 100-200 week as side addition and it doesn't interfere with blood work or tt but can raise free test but not to an alarming level.
Now if this was for cycle use my advice would be different. If u have more than one bottle I may give different advice as in a wanted to go higher for a hardening effect with the dht wood bennifit more intense or just maintainances like I think u doing. I would say if u have two bottles go higher first couple weeks then taper down just to confirm it's working. Who gear u have?
Masterone doesn't cause any negative sides except acne in large doses, aggression, and cholesterol values in high doses, causes me fast hair growth
One other thing is I don't use mast often for muscle building and hardening effects it's expensive I need 600 week min if adding with another dht compound like primo or tbol or avar I can go with less dose. But mast and primo I have to still equal 600-800 mg week total for muscle effects to be worth while.
One other thing buddy, it will agree with u. Mast is very easy and pleasing. It's just expensive and it's effects on body composition are not noticed unless under 10% body fat.. If it wasn't for price and low body fat a must to see the grainy hardness with definition more people would use it. It is great compound just not of interest for guys who are trying to bulk up.
Ok, cool, thx. I'll try front loading like you say, then drop back to 150/ week split in 3 doses. Yes, if this works for me I'll switch to mast enth, wanted to try the short ester for the reasons stated, which seems the best way to test it out.

I also got a vial of test prop and may experiment with higher test dosage to see how I react. This way, if I respond poorly I won't have to wait weeks for my levels to come back down. If the higher test agrees with me, I may try a higher dose "blast". I highly doubt that will come to pass, however, because the one time I did 400 mg test cyp, I was a walking hardon for 1 day, like a 14 year old, and then my dick shut off completely the 2nd day and stayed that way for several weeks. I've since tried going to 250 a week for a couple weeks with the same result. Maybe in combination with the mast I might have a different result.

I got a generous offer of a sponsored log recently that I had to turn down because I just haven't been able to get my shit straight! I can't express how tiresone this has become....
Any predictions on when I will be able to notice any effects from the mast? I would think at the latest within a week, but again, have zero experience.
The prop is fast acting. At end of first week u should. But I notice right away with anything.

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Bump for other opinions!!!