Dr. Dre Beats headphones

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
My training partner has a pair and although I've never been a fan of them I like his and the sound of them. Are they worth the money or are there cheaper ones that are just as good? I've always used ear buds, but I've been considering getting a pair that fits over the ears and blocks out more sound
Whenever I buy something I always think about how much food and gear I can buy and I weigh the priorities. Beats always lose.

I never hear anything enough with my buds to feel distracted, I don't get what the big deal is unless you're really a music enthusiast.
i wear $9.00 headphone I wouldn't want those big bulky things anyway, plus I think they just look dumb while working out.
I wear $3 earbuds from freds bought like 5 pair 3 years ago and still have 2 pair left. things are nasty though all kinds of dried up ear wax
Verizon sent me this trippy looking Bluetooth/ear bud thing. It wraps around your neck and has buds. It looks like a shock collar but hey it was free lol
Haha...I can't think of which buds I have now but they came from walmart. I've been debating on just getting a pair of buds that actually go all th way into your ear instead of the beats.

I've heard that the Bose ear buds are actually better than the beats buds and a lot less expensive
I don't wear none. Just act like a dick and everyone will leave you alone.
Beats are a very good head phone and the sound and bass is amazing but for the price i would look else where..try Sennheiser OR bose/bose have the same noise cancelling as beats but a better sound...but if u want to be down with the kids then beats all the way
I prefer the ear buds because I don't like bulky headphones, but now that I train with a partner it becomes a pain of having to reach up under my beanie every time we go to talk to each other. I think I'm just going to go with some buds that have volume controls on the cord