Drug tests for steroids

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I was under the impression that you could only test for steroids via blood tests or lie detectors, but I've been seeing people talk about urine tests lately. Is it possible to test for steroids via urine tests?
I was under the impression that you could only test for steroids via blood tests or lie detectors, but I've been seeing people talk about urine tests lately. Is it possible to test for steroids via urine tests?

Yup. I know of a few blokes who lost jobs over urine tests. I thought it was blood too. Theyve come a long way.

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Lie detectors or polygraphs are bunk science. They are only meant to be used as a tool to get the person administering the polygraph, also known as the interrogator, to get you to tell on yourself. The machine cannot tell if you are lying, it just measures the bodies response to certain questions and stimuli.
I was under the impression that you could only test for steroids via blood tests or lie detectors, but I've been seeing people talk about urine tests lately. Is it possible to test for steroids via urine tests?

yes always has been
I was unaware that you could find it in urine. I guess that is good to know, I'll never have to worry about it, but it'll definitely be something to think about
Lie detectors or polygraphs are bunk science. They are only meant to be used as a tool to get the person administering the polygraph, also known as the interrogator, to get you to tell on yourself. The machine cannot tell if you are lying, it just measures the bodies response to certain questions and stimuli.

Yep! If they actually worked then they would be admissible in court! Its no different then me putting my fucking fingers on the pulse in ur neck and asking you questions lmao, seriously!
Yep! If they actually worked then they would be admissible in court! Its no different then me putting my fucking fingers on the pulse in ur neck and asking you questions lmao, seriously!

it's only a lie if you think it's a lie. THat's why they use control questions and ask variations of questions.

It's only depending on what state you live in. Either it is not admissible or admissible if both parties agree to it.
Actually the lie detector for hiring purposes can not be used as a basis for Job denial. Only the information you give them can be used against you. I have taken 3 in my life. First one was for Bears and Sterns company back in early 80's after high school. I totally lied my ass of and presented myself as a decent person. It worked each time. Each time though they try'd to sway me from my answer. I held tight and passed each time. Its a bullshit mechanism. I know people who perform them and they told me such. Best thing to do is to take some atenolol which is a beta blocker and will really slow your heart rate then just pile on they old bullshit, basically telling them you never did nothing wrong. Admit to small things like ,Oh I took a few pens and pencils from a past employer by mistake. Dont tell them you use to sleep in the closest or the back when no one was looking.
Yes, that would generally correct. I've only heard of certain gov and public servant (police, fire) jobs testing for steroids. Even then, they might only test for one or two substances or they test for a sky-high test to epi-test ratio since they are very expensive tests.