Drugs n Stuff, Episode 41


Stage Pro


Drugs n Stuff 41: Steroid Dosing for Sports. With Dave Crosland and Scott McNally.

Presented by https://www.truenutrition.com Code: ADVICES ...

Drugs n Stuff 41: Steroid Dosing for Sports. With Dave Crosland and Scott McNally.

Presented by https://www.truenutrition.com Code: ADVICES

Micro Dosing Revisited

Lower dose test with higher dosed Anabolics

Steroids in Sports. How does a steroid cycle look for sports vs for bodybuilding Plus, Dave talks about his recent newspaper interview related to findings that there is a rise steroid related emergency room visits in the UK

Reach out to Dave: http://croslands.org.uk/

Reach out to Scott: [email protected]

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