Durg testing for WELFARE !!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Thank you FLORIDA and KENTUCKY!! Florida and Kentucky are the first states that will require drug testing when applying for welfare, effective July 1st. Some people are crying this is unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional? It's ok to drug test people who work for their money but not those who don't? I hope they do this in all 50 states !!!!:thumbsup:
it will never fly in liberal states...nor will the aclu let go without contesting it......it's a shame too.....i guarantee liquor sales in those areas will go up then since buying drugs will most likely go down
i totally agree that it should be in all 50 states but, crime will go to an all time high , all inner cities will be worse off than they ever been ,you think hoodlums are bad now , take away their moms ,grandmas, sisters, aunts , uncles ,source of income , housing, food , benefits , and watch it all go to shit , dont get me wrong its bad now, but the worse is yet to come , lock and load brothers.
I like the law but its already being challenged in the court system. It will be found unconstitutional. Sad to say it but just the way I see it.
heaven forbid we offend the laziest most worthless people in our society.
heaven forbid we offend the laziest most worthless people in our society.

The question isnt that if we are offending people, its about the constitutionality of the law. If its deemed to violate the 4th ammendment as being an unreasonable search then it does not need to be law. There are way too many laws on the books and parts of government that violate the constitution. We need to get back to simple constitutionality laws and enforcement thereof. In other words legalize freedom.

But the core problem is not the new law and drug testing, its the fact that there is welfare at all. This country existed for over 175 years without welfare. Its not needed and only further creates dependency on the system and breeds entitlement. Welfare itself is not constitutional. Where in the constitution does it give government the power to tax me to give some shitbag who does not want to work a free ride.

Another problem is that drugs should be legal. This goes further towards freedom. I should be able to put anything I want in my body as long as it does not hurt anyone else. Get the Federal govt out of the war on drugs and you'll see a lot of constitutionality and 4th amendment issues go away. It will also save tax payers hundreds of billions fighting an un-winnable war. Look at the history of prohibition of alcohol and the first gun control laws in this country and you can see the correlation now with the war on drugs and some of the new gun laws being forced upon the people now.

So many issues can be solved by just abiding by the constitution and legalizing freedom.
it will never fly in liberal states...nor will the aclu let go without contesting it......it's a shame too.....i guarantee liquor sales in those areas will go up then since buying drugs will most likely go down

I agree. Liberals will fight this to the death. Liberals use welfare to buy votes these days. I believe we should give those in need a hand up, not a hand out.
I agree. Liberals will fight this to the death. Liberals use welfare to buy votes these days. I believe we should give those in need a hand up, not a hand out.

Stop stop stop.

If needs to be fought honestly. Drugs should be legal and welfare needs to go away. These are the core issues at hand not the new law. The left versus right rhetoric is sickening.
The pharmacies will ensure that drugs are never legal the same way that big oil pushed out ethanol by backing prohibition.
The pharmacies will ensure that drugs are never legal the same way that big oil pushed out ethanol by backing prohibition.

By drugs I mean pot, cocaine ect. Not prescription drugs. There is a difference.

Recreational drugs will one day be legal for the same reasons that alcohol is now legal. There will be a time and a place in this country where people realize the amount of freedoms they have lost fighting this "war on drugs".

Big oil won because at the time it was cheaper and more plentiful and provided more energy for the buck than ethanol. Ethanol is still a dead product even with billions of government subsidy. If it were not for the subsidy there would be zero demand for ethanol at all. All a subsidy means is that your product cannot compete in the market place. This is true of all subsidies. I can site tons of examples.