Ending very long cycle need best pct


New member
OK so in the beginning I was gonna just do one cycle of test e, well over the last 18 months I have been blasting and cruising using just about everything...I have one bottle of gear left and when it's gone I'm done for quite awhile....so originally I'm had nolva and clomid for pct well now that I've been on so long is this gonna be efficient or do I need a different protocol....I have access to just about everything including hcg....I've got about 6 weeks til I take my last shot so what do I need to do to make sure I go back to mormal, test level before I started was 550 and I hope I can get back to there I'm 34 years old and me and the gf have decided on trying for a little human next year so I wanna give myself time to start being normal again if possible.

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You would need the normal and with the little human in the future I would add in HCG for sure.