epi smash

Used it and loved it. I would definitely use it again. Usually we're on a bunch of shit and it's hard to tell what's doing what, but this for sure gave me some good strength and vascularity.
This is what the site says:

"What is this 6-chloro that's in EPI Smash (along with the Epistane - 10mg per cap)?

6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one - 20mg per cap

· Powerful anabolic, rated at 300:80 (anabolic:androgenic) vs. testosterone.

· Cannot convert to estrogen; immune to the effects of aromatase. · Intrinsically active compound /w no conversion required.

· Non-methylated, yet resistant to some aspects of CYP-mediated metabolism due to the Chloro group at C6.

6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one represents the next generation of legal androgens: Extremely effective, dry, and non-methylated, it stacks well with everything, and is more than adequate for solo runs. In terms of results, this 6-chlorinated compound is almost equal to harsher androgens such as M1,4ADD and Halodrol; in terms of toxicity, this compound cannot even be compared to them. It's MUCH SAFER AND MUCH MILDER. You won't need to buy a liver support, you won't need to shun alcohol like the plague, and you'll still gain a good 8-10 pounds of solid muscle, while increasing strength and endurance and improving your body composition. Where anabolics and androgens are concerned, 6-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one is the intelligent choice. A non-toxic, non-estrogenic, strong anabolic."
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This is what the site says:

"What is this 6-chloro that's in EPI Smash (along with the Epistane - 10mg per cap)?

6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one - 20mg per cap

· Powerful anabolic, rated at 300:80 (anabolic:androgenic) vs. testosterone.

· Cannot convert to estrogen; immune to the effects of aromatase. · Intrinsically active compound /w no conversion required.

· Non-methylated, yet resistant to some aspects of CYP-mediated metabolism due to the Chloro group at C6.

6a-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one represents the next generation of legal androgens: Extremely effective, dry, and non-methylated, it stacks well with everything, and is more than adequate for solo runs. In terms of results, this 6-chlorinated compound is almost equal to harsher androgens such as M1,4ADD and Halodrol; in terms of toxicity, this compound cannot even be compared to them. It's MUCH SAFER AND MUCH MILDER. You won't need to buy a liver support, you won't need to shun alcohol like the plague, and you'll still gain a good 8-10 pounds of solid muscle, while increasing strength and endurance and improving your body composition. Where anabolics and androgens are concerned, 6-Chloro-androst-4-en-17b-ol-3-one is the intelligent choice. A non-toxic, non-estrogenic, strong anabolic."

Well it was a good read and believable until I got to the 8-10lbs of muscle in a cycle part lol. Unless your running this shit for a couple years straight your not gaining 8-10 pounds of SOLID MUSCLE!

However I do believe your review teed, in that its a good compound to run and works.
I'd just buy havoc. It seems way overpriced to me. I know you like IML/BSL products as do I, but I can tell you that havoc is a legit product.
Nowadays, if I'm going to run an oral along with my cycle, I'll actually go with one of these pro-steroids. At least these companies (the good ones), know what is actually going into their shit. It's hard for me to trust something from a UGL anymore over these guys.
I've heard great things from someone who's very informed when it comes to PH/DS. He never threw any numbers out as far as weight gains, but said his strength was insane