

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Finally the PRO-Anabolic, anti-estrogen we have all been waiting for has arrived! Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that is organ tissue specific. This means it works only where you want it to work. Broad range estrogen blockers and aromatase inhibitors can result in system shut down, aching joints, and decreased IGF-I expression. Epistane™ binds specifically to the 17ß-estradiol receptor protein in the target tissues. Because of its long lasting and strong effects on specific tissue, Epistane™ can significantly reduce and reverse the effects of gynocomastia because not only does Epistane™ specifically block estrogen in breast tissue but it induces an estrogen-depleted condition which leads to apoptosis or the death of the breast tissue cells. Studies show that small doses of the parent compound, Epitiostanol, at just 10-20mg/week showed a complete disappearance of the mass and pain in 25% of the male patients in the clinical trail, while the other 75% of the patients showed at least a 50% reduction in the mass and complete loss of pain in just 4-8 weeks. That’s results in 100% of the male users with no side effects. While compounds such as Clomid and Nolvadex also block the 17ß-estradiol receptor, they do not elicit the same increase in protein synthesis and strength gains that Epistane™ can offer.

Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane™ promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Epistane™, unlike other PRO-Anabolic compounds that have recently been released, is relatively mild on the gonads and, due to the anti-estrogenic effects and the fact that Epistane™ keeps LH levels elevated, post cycle therapy becomes a breeze. All effects combined make Epistane™ a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen from endogenous/exogenous sources. This makes it a powerful tool when combined with “wet” compounds in attempt to increase gains and decrease side effects. One can also not overlook the potential benefit of this compound taken alone, especially when recovering from periods of “wet” compounds. If you don’t want to worry about how your lipid and liver values are doing and whether or not you are going to get gynocomastia or not then get Epistane™, stop worrying, and experience what others are raving about!

FAQ - What can one expect from Epistane™?

Incredible Strength Gains
Dry, Lean Mass Gains
Gynocomastia Protection
Increased Libido
Increased Training Intensity and Sense of Well-Being
In Some, Reductions in Gynocomastia!

this is a new supplement similar to superdrol in ways but less sides. I know of a few legit bros on a couple other boards that have ran it and love it. Supposed to possibly shrink some of the gyno if its already there too. I ordered a couple bottles and im gonna give it a shot ive heard good things about it. Ill keep all posted hope it works as good as they say...
I Have Been Told By My Friend That This Stuffs Already Being Looked At For Getting Banned He Told Me To Buy All I Can Cause Its The Best Thing Hes Ever Used And He Has A Decent Source From What He Says Of The Ban Im On Board Im Trying To Find Some Now And Hes Said The Same Thing You Said About Benifits He Said Epistane And I Guess Havoc Is The Manufactor Dont Know For Sure Ill Ask
yeah ive just heard too many good things about it to pass it up everybody in there dog is out of stock too so its a bitch to find. hell i still have half a bottle of superdrol left lol i didnt like it much in a way of sides it really fucked up my lipids.
after i get my bottles tommorow ill give you a site but not tell i order mine lol dont want there to be a rush im buying 3 bottles
naww i got mine comin this week or next bro i ordered 2. ready to try this shit out
lets keep this forum running with efects we see while on im getting mine overnite if possible ..then other people will know and decide for themselves.
yeah i def. will bro i think mine is 2 to 4 day shipping so with mem. day comin up prob tues wed. when im looking at gettin it.
Went to the site to see if I could get some more information about it, but I don't see anything about chemical structure/ingredients, etc. It just tells how it binds to the receptor. Hmmm....
I found this on another web site not my writing but I hope it helps

What is Havoc/Epistane ?

2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane

What is the ratio Anabolic/Androgenic ?

1100% as anabolic and 91% as androgenic as plain methyl-test. (Vida)

I am under 21 years, Can I use Havoc/Epistane ?

No, you are too young. It is a steroid. You could mess up your endocrine system for life.

I heard that Havoc/Epistane could get rid of my gynos ?

Please stop searching solutions on a message board for your gynos and see a doctor. This is a steroid, dont use that to clear gynos. I repeat see your doctor.

Does Havoc and Epistane are the same thing ?


So which one should I get ?

You should buy it from :

1) The company you trust the most.
2) The company with the better customer service
3) The company who brought it to the market
4) The company that sell it at the best price

I made my choice but it isn’t my job to tell you which one to choose here.

Does Havoc/Epistane is liver toxic ?

Yes, it is. Be careful when you are using any 17aa Methyl PS.

Does Havoc/Epistane require a PCT?

Like every androgens, YES, it needs a PCT ( See below to know what you need for it)

What are the possible side effects from ?

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center>Prostrate Pain: Common symptoms of prostate problems are frequent or difficult urination, dribbling when urinating, erection difficulty, and pain in that general area. Either a rise in estrogen or DHT levels from increased testosterone, etc., probably causes this. If you have ongoing prostate issues, it' s best not to use prohormones.
Herbal treatments:
Saw Palmetto Extract - Usual dosage is 320mg , precycled for 2 weeks prior to cycle
Beta sisterol or plant phytosterols - 300mg several times daily
Flax seed oil - anywhere from 5-20 tblspoons daily

Prescription Treatments:

Proscar/Propecia – Prop is great to keep on hand if hair loss is a side, I will deal with this next.
Hair Loss:
This is another famous side that is experienced by people using ph’s. Here are a few products I would strongly recommend.
Spironolactone 5% ( on cycle)
spiro and nizoral and azeliac acid.
I would highly recommend Fina and Propecia in the mix if you have hair shedding problems. If you do have Androgenic alopecia, and a genetic balding pattern, I would highly advise you not to risk this compound.
Acne: One of the most common sides of using androgens and supposedly the most dreaded. Here is why, Androgen production stimulates sebaceous glands and cause them to enlarge.. The androgen-stimulated sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Sebum is a natural oil that makes the skin soft and waterproof. The oily sebum accumulates in the follicle as it moves up the hair shaft where it mixes with normal skin bacteria (Propionibacterium Acnes) and dead follicular skin cells. The dead cells normally get pushed to the surface where they are expelled. The more sebum is produced the greater the chances of clogged follicles that potentially result in pimples.

How to combat it :
High doses of Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) are highly effective at reducing oil production in the sebaceous glands (the glands responsible for the skin’s oiliness). It is generally recommended that the you preload with 5-10 grams of Pantothenic Acid per day for one week, followed by a maintenance intake of 2-3 grams per day until cessation of the cycle. In addition, cleansing the skin with salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide (found in many over the counter acne treatments) is quite helpful for acne prevention.

*Testicular atrophy a.k.a my balls are shrinking :Yes, this is a common side effect of using any prohormone. However this is nothing to worry about. Under normal circumstances, you will get back to your normal size after the PCT. I am not a great fan of ATD, hence my thoughts lean to the safer old school clomid therapy.
Incase of extreme cases the following can be tried.
Day 1 Clomid @ 300mg
Week 5 Clomid @ 100mg
Week 5/6 Clomid @ 50mg

To the best of my knowledge this has cured most cases of testicular atrophy.

*Puffy nipples, soreness aka gyno
Most people are paranoid about gyno. Any number of AI products including Ultrahotter are available in the market today. So are prescription drugs such as Cytadren and Arimidex. Too much Cytadren or especially Adex will prevent gyno and probably a little water bloat, but it will also cut into your muscle gains by virtue of a less robust GH burst activity and lower subsequent IGF-1 levels.Some androgens increase muscle satellite cells sensitivity to fibroblast growth factor and IGF-1. IGF-1 is critical to get maximum anabolic activity from androgens. This means that androgens that increase GH production (i.e. those that aromatize to some degree) will most likely give you the greatest and most rapid gains in muscle mass.

*Nose Bleeds and Elevated Blood pressure.
PP being androgenic may increase blood pressure via a number of pathways. Though this condition may be more severe for some than it will be for others, those concerned may find Hawthorn Berry Extract of aid—300mgs-500mgs should do the trick. However, Hawthorne Berry does take 2 full weeks to kick in. Hence preloading is highly recommended. If one encounters a situation where in an immediate remedy is called for, then Celery Seed Extract at a high dosage can be used.
CoQ10 is also a very important support supplement to this cycle. CoQ10 is a fat-soluble nutrient found throughout the body, and is a vital player in the production of ATP. Exogenous CoQ10 may help to stabilize blood pressure due to its positive effects on the heart’s pumping ability, to name but one of its benefits. Typically, 30mgs 2-3 times per day are required to elicit a response.


What is the dosage for a good cycle ?

For newbies :
Week 1 : 10 mg
Week 2 : 20 mg
Week 3 : 20 mg
Week 4 : 30 mg

For people who already used PH/PS in the past :
Week 1 : 30 mg
Week 2 : 30 mg
Week 3 : 30 mg
Week 4 : 30 mg

Pulse cycle : I personally don’t recommend it but Dr.D does so I will put it here

Dosing something to intentionally avoid long term sides, such as HTPA suppression and liver damage. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This allows for higher dosages to be used. Basically, if you dosed on an ED basis you would get 100% effect, 100% short term sides and 100% long term sides. If you dose EOD on a pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect, 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides. That's not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course if you would have gained 10lbs this means you will only gain 6lbs pulsing, but it also means you can do this for 2 or 3 times longer than a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12lbs instead of 10lbs over twice the time frame with less sides and a milder PCT requirement if even needed at all. It's a great long term strategy and good for newer users looking to run fast, clean, cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later. That's how I perfected it. There are two basic approaches to do it: EOD or 2on/2off depending on your workout schedule. Doses can be high (30-40mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm (1 dose pre and 1 dose post-w/o instead of spread out like normal) or doses can be lower (10-20mg) if you want to stretch it to 2 or 3 months instead of just 1. Dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4.

RPN Havoc / IBE Epistane for the newbies !

<HR align=right SIZE=0>

What is Havoc/Epistane ?

2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane

What is the ratio Anabolic/Androgenic ?

1100% as anabolic and 91% as androgenic as plain methyl-test. (Vida)

I am under 21 years, Can I use Havoc/Epistane ?

No, you are too young. It is a steroid. You could mess up your endocrine system for life.

I heard that Havoc/Epistane could get rid of my gynos ?

Please stop searching solutions on a message board for your gynos and see a doctor. This is a steroid, dont use that to clear gynos. I repeat see your doctor.

Does Havoc and Epistane are the same thing ?

So which one should I get ?

You should buy it from :

1) The company you trust the most.
2) The company with the better customer service
3) The company who brought it to the market
4) The company that sell it at the best price

I made my choice but it isn’t my job to tell you which one to choose here.

Does Havoc/Epistane is liver toxic ?

Yes, it is. Be careful when you are using any 17aa Methyl PS.

Does Havoc/Epistane require a PCT?

Like every androgens, YES, it needs a PCT ( See below to know what you need for it)

What are the possible side effects from ? Thanks Krzna for this one ;):D


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center>
Prostrate Pain:
Common symptoms of prostate problems are frequent or difficult urination, dribbling when urinating, erection difficulty, and pain in that general area. Either a rise in estrogen or DHT levels from increased testosterone, etc., probably causes this. If you have ongoing prostate issues, it' s best not to use prohormones.
Herbal treatments:
Saw Palmetto Extract - Usual dosage is 320mg , precycled for 2 weeks prior to cycle
Beta sisterol or plant phytosterols - 300mg several times daily
Flax seed oil - anywhere from 5-20 tblspoons daily

Prescription Treatments:

Proscar/Propecia – Prop is great to keep on hand if hair loss is a side, I will deal with this next.
Hair Loss:
This is another famous side that is experienced by people using ph’s. Here are a few products I would strongly recommend.
Spironolactone 5% ( on cycle)
spiro and nizoral and azeliac acid.
I would highly recommend Fina and Propecia in the mix if you have hair shedding problems. If you do have Androgenic alopecia, and a genetic balding pattern, I would highly advise you not to risk this compound.
Acne: One of the most common sides of using androgens and supposedly the most dreaded. Here is why, Androgen production stimulates sebaceous glands and cause them to enlarge.. The androgen-stimulated sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Sebum is a natural oil that makes the skin soft and waterproof. The oily sebum accumulates in the follicle as it moves up the hair shaft where it mixes with normal skin bacteria (Propionibacterium Acnes) and dead follicular skin cells. The dead cells normally get pushed to the surface where they are expelled. The more sebum is produced the greater the chances of clogged follicles that potentially result in pimples.

How to combat it :
High doses of Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) are highly effective at reducing oil production in the sebaceous glands (the glands responsible for the skin’s oiliness). It is generally recommended that the you preload with 5-10 grams of Pantothenic Acid per day for one week, followed by a maintenance intake of 2-3 grams per day until cessation of the cycle. In addition, cleansing the skin with salicylic acid and/or benzoyl peroxide (found in many over the counter acne treatments) is quite helpful for acne prevention.

*Testicular atrophy a.k.a my balls are shrinking :Yes, this is a common side effect of using any prohormone. However this is nothing to worry about. Under normal circumstances, you will get back to your normal size after the PCT. I am not a great fan of ATD, hence my thoughts lean to the safer old school clomid therapy.
Incase of extreme cases the following can be tried.
Day 1 Clomid @ 300mg
Week 5 Clomid @ 100mg
Week 5/6 Clomid @ 50mg

To the best of my knowledge this has cured most cases of testicular atrophy.

*Puffy nipples, soreness aka gyno
Most people are paranoid about gyno. Any number of AI products including Ultrahotter are available in the market today. So are prescription drugs such as Cytadren and Arimidex. Too much Cytadren or especially Adex will prevent gyno and probably a little water bloat, but it will also cut into your muscle gains by virtue of a less robust GH burst activity and lower subsequent IGF-1 levels.Some androgens increase muscle satellite cells sensitivity to fibroblast growth factor and IGF-1. IGF-1 is critical to get maximum anabolic activity from androgens. This means that androgens that increase GH production (i.e. those that aromatize to some degree) will most likely give you the greatest and most rapid gains in muscle mass.

*Nose Bleeds and Elevated Blood pressure.
PP being androgenic may increase blood pressure via a number of pathways. Though this condition may be more severe for some than it will be for others, those concerned may find Hawthorn Berry Extract of aid—300mgs-500mgs should do the trick. However, Hawthorne Berry does take 2 full weeks to kick in. Hence preloading is highly recommended. If one encounters a situation where in an immediate remedy is called for, then Celery Seed Extract at a high dosage can be used.
CoQ10 is also a very important support supplement to this cycle. CoQ10 is a fat-soluble nutrient found throughout the body, and is a vital player in the production of ATP. Exogenous CoQ10 may help to stabilize blood pressure due to its positive effects on the heart’s pumping ability, to name but one of its benefits. Typically, 30mgs 2-3 times per day are required to elicit a response.


What is the dosage for a good cycle ?

For newbies :
Week 1 : 10 mg
Week 2 : 20 mg
Week 3 : 20 mg
Week 4 : 30 mg

For people who already used PH/PS in the past :
Week 1 : 30 mg
Week 2 : 30 mg
Week 3 : 30 mg
Week 4 : 30 mg

Pulse cycle : I personally don’t recommend it but Dr.D does so I will put it here


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center>Well epi actually stimulates LH initially because of it's anti-e activity (or at least doesn't suppress it based on studies of it's free alcohol) so if you pulse which simply means dosing EOD or 2on/2off depending on how you work out, that allows for 3-4 doses/wk without shutdown. I think to be absolutely safe and get maximum bounce-back in test levels, dose only 3x/wk and never on consecutive days, and you can reap the benefits of some extra anabolism, test production, anti-gyno effects, etc. without needing any cycle support like liver supps or PCT meds later. I use to do this with dirty compounds like dbol and methyltest as a kid, so there's no reason it shouldn't work extra well with something like Epi! There are more suggestions I've posed in regard to this on the Epi forum at IBE and lots of guys are choosing this option for their Epi use so check out the forum there for more detailed protocols and info. People are logging right now with nothing but great feedback so far.



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=624 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center>Dosing something to intentionally avoid long term sides, such as HTPA suppression and liver damage. With pulsing, the serious, long term side effects of chronic oral treatment are avoided and short term side effect, like acne and mineral retention, are milder that usual. This allows for higher dosages to be used. Basically, if you dosed on an ED basis you would get 100% effect, 100% short term sides and 100% long term sides. If you dose EOD on a pulse protocol, you still get about 60% effect, 75% short term sides but only about 40% of the long term sides. That's not a bad trade off and very economical on the body and the wallet too! Of course if you would have gained 10lbs this means you will only gain 6lbs pulsing, but it also means you can do this for 2 or 3 times longer than a normal cycle. That equals about 2 months of worry free dosing, so the net effect is a gain of about 12lbs instead of 10lbs over twice the time frame with less sides and a milder PCT requirement if even needed at all. It's a great long term strategy and good for newer users looking to run fast, clean, cycles for 1 month with no PCT needed later. That's how I perfected it. There are two basic approaches to do it: EOD or 2on/2off depending on your workout schedule. Doses can be high (30-40mg) but take them close together preferably before 6pm (1 dose pre and 1 dose post-w/o instead of spread out like normal) or doses can be lower (10-20mg) if you want to stretch it to 2 or 3 months instead of just 1. Dose at least 3 times per week but not more than 4.


For advanced users different cycles are possible but I will not elaborate on it because you already know what you are doing.

Can I add any PH/ PS to my cycle ?

No, Havoc/Epistane is already strong enough alone. If you want to add something absolutely consider this :

Avoid all 17 aa methyl PS like superdrol, M1T, Halodrol, DMT…

Check for 4ad (The real one) (600-900 mg oral) or DHEA (100-200 mg)

Here is a comment from Dr.D about the use of DHEA :

Yeah, it's a solid approach. The only issue I can see is possible excess androgeny. 200mg DHEA/day is amazingly androgenic to me. It makes my skin break out more that 600mg of TE/wk would. Epi has a fairly potent androgenic effect too so stacking the two would boost gains but may cause acne or mild headaches or that sort of thing. Or maybe not, it would be a worth a try and you could adjust the doses of each if you developed sides.

im still waiting on mine bro gonna run it at 50 mg' a day for 5 weeks i think they say to ramp it up but i like to be different :).1
Its to keep long term sides at a minimum, of course the effects of the drug won't be as great. Instead of taking it everyday you take it say 3 to 4 times a weeks for a longer period of time. It all in the last big paragraph above.
oh lol must of missed it, since the sides of the drug arent very bad gyno reduction lol little liver toxic and a few other small things i would just take it like the dose they say too. I dont think the sides are worth not useing the full potential of the drug. just my opinion though.
im on right now so im just running it with my cycle so ill just do my normal pct protocol.
Guys that I talk to at IBE and their members love this stuff and can't keep it in stock.. guys that use it say that taking more than 20mgs did not yeild anything less then what 50mgs did only that they went through it twice a fast..

Just my 2 cents but why use more if your not getting more... the faster teh gain the faster the loss.. slow and steady wins the race...