EQL quality?

Loch Ness

New member
I was thinking about using their test prop and winny
anyone with experience with any of EQL products, let me know what you
thought about the quality
I have used there test enanthate,deca and just started eq. The deca and eq are painless. The test enanthate was painful but works good. Started mixing it with eq and has help alot with pain. Also all the vails were overfilled. Very good stuff.
basskiller said:
excellent! the winny/prop combo is painless..

is it winny-prop mix or is it winny-suspension mix i thought it was suspension not prop
Presser said:
is it winny-prop mix or is it winny-suspension mix i thought it was suspension not prop

Your right. my bad...LOL
I posted a picture AU of it
Prop was great i just finshed a 12wker.Iam using them again
in two months prop tren winnie 100 75 50 ed.:) Iam sticking with them good stuff & over filled.
Presser said:
thats ok just dont let it happen again,lol
I'm going to have them make some winny /prop combo just so I can come back and give you the biggest rasberry this board has ever seen...so there..LMAO