Euro-Pharmacies Eurigil H.C.G. Brand


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
As you may have noticed, Euro-Pharmacies has been constantly expanding their product line.

That being said....I'd like to introduce EP's very own brand of HCG, EURIGIL. This is a Euro-Pharmacies product which means you can be sure of one thing....IT'S TOP QUALITY!


HCG - (Eurigil) - 5000 iu/amp PG
Condition: New product

Chemical Name:Chorionic gonadotropin
Comes In: 1ml amp - 5000IU + 1amp - water solution
Dosage: debatable
Active time: 64 hours
Class:Leutenizing Hormone (LH)-Gonadotropin

Whether you blast and cruise, or cycle....HCG is a MUST if you value the size of your testicles or wish to maintain fertility. Not to mention it makes PCT a breeze.

Visit the website and check it out!
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I hope to test this in the next few months. I have been running Ovigil for about 2 years now and will compare Eurigil to it. One thing I like better about Eurigil already is it comes in a 10ml stoppered bottle instead of a glass ampule. I dislike ampules.
I hope to test this in the next few months. I have been running Ovigil for about 2 years now and will compare Eurigil to it. One thing I like better about Eurigil already is it comes in a 10ml stoppered bottle instead of a glass ampule. I dislike ampules.
I inconvenient. Luckily Eurigil is in convenient multi-dose vials :)
I currently use the other HCG that PSL sells, Ovigil. I've been using that for 2 years now while I am on trt. I have a bottle of Eurogil on its way and I will post my views and thoughts of it in comparison to Ovigil.
Great I don't use it but know a lot of brothers who do