F ' D up my igf pin!


New member
So I threw my normal 50/50 mcigf in the tris today first went fine. But then I really fucked up. I've read others have done the same thing just want some reassurance! I darted the lil guy in and I noticed I got real tight real fast pulled out after injecting and not even 5 seconds later I saw a knot. Didn't think much of it cuz I've gotten knots before. But after the gym I noticed it was about 3 times the size and sore as shit! I mean I can barley push my arm all the way out. The tri still fires off and I can flex it buts it so goddamn swollen anyone have this happen and how long did it take for swelling to go down?
Not as concerned because it still fires but curious thanks!
No big deal. I've had it happen. Ice it to reduce swelling and some ibuprofen will help

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I actually did that about a week ago. I'm not sure which shot it was, but same exact thing. You know you do it as soon as you get it in there. No harm though. A little ice and heat and ibuprofen and it'll be gone in like 3 days. Ice takes down the swelling. Heat will get blood in there to wash it away

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What size pin are you using? I experimented a bit and found that 31 ga, 5/16" works very well for me in triceps.
Just 29 1/2

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I was just dumb I hit it in felt it get tight and just pushed farther instead of stopping