F rated peakbody.co.uk


New member
this is a low quality source from peakbody for sarms.
I’ve now tried their lgd, rad, gw, and ostarine.
All are garbage.
Also their customer service is pretty bad lol.
The dude I talked to seemed like he spoke crooked English and was very illiterate. Just don’t think there’s much customer service dealing with these people
this is a low quality source from peakbody for sarms.
I’ve now tried their lgd, rad, gw, and ostarine.
All are garbage.
Also their customer service is pretty bad lol.
The dude I talked to seemed like he spoke crooked English and was very illiterate. Just don’t think there’s much customer service dealing with these people
peakbody.co.uk sucks i hate the shit they do to people