Facts about styeroids


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Facts about steroids


The hormonal system can be effected. For men they can get infertility, breasts and shrinking of the testicles (the girls would love these!) For women they can develop enlargement of the clitoris and excessive growth of hair.

By: John Lemare

I'm sure everyone has heard about steroids and the positive and negative effects of steroids but I have researched further information that could be useful to people not completely sure about their use.

Some popular steroids include:

Oral steroids

*Anadrol (oxymetholone)
*Oxandrin (oxandrolone)
*Dianabol (methandrostenolone)
*Winstrol (stanozold)
Injectable steroids

*Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)
*Durabolin (nandrolone phenpropionate)
*Depo-testosterone (testosterone cypionate)
*Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate)
Most people start taking steroids to get an edge over other athletes in sports or to help them grow new muscle. Steroids do give the advantage over other athletes since it helps you train with a higher ********* and for longer periods of time. Steroids also speed up recovery time.
Steroids can be taken by injection, orally, or with gels, patches and nasal sprays. Oral steroids have more negative effects than injectable steroids. This is mainly because they are associated with the liver abnormalities, as well as tumors.


There are several serious effects on the body that you can get by taking anabolic steroids. These include.

The hormonal system can get affected. Men can become infertile, grow breasts and have their testicles shrink (the girls with love them). Women can develop enlargement of the clitoris and excessive growth of hair (all males wants their girl friends to have beards). Both sexes can develop male-pattern baldness and their voices can deepen.

The musculoskeletal system also gets affected by stunting their growth. This occurs because of the rising levels of testosterone and other sex hormones that normally trigger the growth spurt that occurs during puberty and adolescence. When their hormones reach certain levels it causes the bones to stop growing. Anabolic steroids cause high sex hormone levels, which can signal the bone to stop growing sooner than normal. These are the reasons why if you have decided to take steroids you should start when you have already stopped growing.

Anabolic steroids put the most 'bad' side effects on the cardiovascular system. These effects can include heart attacks, enlargement of the heart's left ventricle and caused people younger than 30 to develop CVD (Cardiovascular disease) Steroids can cause blood clots in the blood vessels and potentially disrupting the blood flow and damaging the heart muscle so the blood does not pump blood effectively. Heart disease can develop because it affects the cholesterol levels. Over a period of time the cholesterol builds up and clogs the arteries. The steroids affect on the heart only if you have a heart disease to begin with which is if you have a heart problem it is a very wise choice to stay away from steroids.

The liver is also effected as steroids have caused liver tumors. This in turn can cause internal bleeding. Jaundice can also develop which is a serious liver disease that has flu like symptoms, which mostly occurs with high dosages. These symptoms will only occur if you abuse steroids by going straight into high doses. The effects from steroids can also cause cancer and peliosis hepatis which is.

The skin can be effected by causing acne, cysts, and oily hair and skin.

Steroids can cause infections mostly by using needles. Sharing needles can cause HIV that at the moment has no cure for.

As well as effects on the body a person's behavior can change. Anabolic steroid abuse can cause irritability and aggression especially in high doses. Some of this aggression has caused people to commit armed robbery, use force to obtain something and physical fighting. This would not happen to a naturally calm person but someone who is naturally aggressive would become more aggressive by taking steroids. Anabolic steroids have also been known to cause behavioral effects including euphoria, increased energy, sexual arousal, mood swings distractibility, forgetfulness and confusion.

You can also stack steroids. This can be done by mixing oral and injectable types. By mixing steroids it creates a often greater chance of bad effects on your body but creates a stronger drug for better performance.

A popular way to take steroids is by cycling. This is done by starting the dosage at very small doses and increasing the dosage weekly then decreasing the dosage over a 6-12 week period. They then train without the drugs for 4 weeks and then the cycle begins again. This method is considered the safest rather than going straight into large doses.

As you can probably tell from this article I am 100% against steroids but I thought I should write this article so you can make your own mind up whether or not it is worth it.

John Lemare
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"You can also stack steroids. This can be done by mixing oral and injectable types. By mixing steroids it creates a often greater chance of bad effects on your body but creates a stronger drug for better performance."

wow! what a great idea!! thanks John Lemare!!
It is indeed poorly written; just the kind of guy you want to trust for medical advice.

But his spin on cycling is very odd. Folks generally cycle to achieve the complete mix of gains, while minimizing the chance of sides. So you can create a stack where each individual drug is used in moderate amounts and yeild no sides, but the cumulative effect on muscle growth is substantial.
holy fuck thats one fucked up looking dude haha i would write a negative report about gear if i looked like that too hahahha lmao.
"As you can probably tell from this article I am 100% against steroids but I thought I should write this article so you can make your own mind up whether or not it is worth it."

I didn't neccessarily think one way or the other the way he wrote the thing but after seeing him I'll be sure not to ever read anything with his name on it again.
Lee priest, holy fuckin shit, yeah kid, granted, i'm sure you have a tighter ass, than my girlfriend, do you think the priest is clean and "big like you"
body2see said:
Is that website for real?? I think it's just a joke someone from on here made up to entertain others.

Hahaha I wish I had that much time on my hands to make a site up but I found it because I did a search on the guys name who wrote the article to see if he was a writer or bodybuilder or what... that's what I came up with after searching for less than a minute :moon:
lmmfao have yall read some of the other articles haha this is too funny but i did learn something from reading this article guys did you know sharing needles can spread hiv holy shit i wont be using my buddies 23 guages anymore i guess i gotta buy my own.
OK I think I'm going to read something from this guys page everyday to cheer me up and get me laughing. Today's briany addition is the following:

For most people a medical condition unless really serious does not stop them from training and in some cases it can motivate you. The biggest person in my gym has diabetes but he always come in with two mars bars and he trains normally.

- John Lemare
[sigh]...this is another example of a teen who thinks they know it all. He had better be very careful about spouting off what he thinks is fact or re-spouting real facts like he discovered them himself. What an idiot.
lmao! he says he's 170lbs!!! Yea, with a 45lb plate strapped to his back.