Favorite delt exercise?


New member
I would like to see some delt routines. Also, do you dedicate a day just to delts or do you incorporate them with chest or another body part.
I always looked at my shoulders as a weak point. So I would train like this Sunday-rest, Monday-Delts/trap,Tues-Quads/calfs,Wed-Chest/abs/cardio, Thurs-rest, Fri-back/rear delts/hams/, Sat-bies/tries, Sunday rest again.
one thing i picked up from a victor martinez dvd was "mid points." he describes them as basically a partial movement, a side lateral at 25% range of motion. the point not being range of motion, rather, the crazy amount of weight you can lift thru the lower portion of the movement. you pick up the heaviest dumbbell you can handle and move it as far as you can thru a side lateral. the objective is obviously doomed to failure due to the weight - no way u get thru a full lateral, but even a 25% range of motion is considered a success. in my own personally experience i've found mid points to be most effective after i've smoked delts but still feel like i can endure more pain lol. you don't have to move the weight far, so go heavy and kick your own ass. the overall objective here is separation of the delt from the lower arm.
Depending on what principle you adhere to, several ways to dissect delts. I'm always cognizant that theres 3 heads: front, side and rear. The front gets hit pretty well when doing bench and incline so I dont do helluva work on that one. I'm a Parrillo trainee so I believe that one of the best ways to build delts is overhead work. Then other pretty smart BB's will say that it too dangerous, that you risk impingement. Personally I do overhead work nearly every time....typically, heres what I've been doing for 34 yrs:

Military Press, both front and behind the neck
Side laterals, mostly standing
Lying side laterals
Upright row
Front Laterals
Hi Pulley X crossovers (can someone tell me its name??, I forget)
Lying side laterals
Butterfly Presses
I would like to see some delt routines. Also, do you dedicate a day just to delts or do you incorporate them with chest or another body part.

I do them with chest, if I go heavy on chest I go volume on delts.
If i'm doing volume on chest I go heavy on shoulders.

As far as movements go I keep it simple.
Pressing movement superset with rear flye.
Then side lateral raises superset with more rear flyes.
I dont have access to machines so all free weights.

To mix it up sometimes I do Arnold Presses.
my shoulder day:
standing over press
8-5-3-2 max out
then lower weight by 20 reps

lat pull down 3x15

bent over bb rows 3x15

then to these in a circuit style with 3 min rest 3 x 15
front db raise
side lat raise
upright row
bent over flies
db over head press, holding in the area for 30 seconds each rep

cable front raise
cable side raise
cable back raise

then do
face pulls, super set x 3
one arm rows super set x 3
shrugs 3 x 20
machine over seated press super set x3
machine bent over rows super set x3


I hit shoulders and arms on the same day. Lots of lateral raises for shoulder width. I also like hitting rear delts with the high x thing cable crossover. I think they call that move the crucifix.
lol, @ ephedrine lol,

and I'm gonna move this to the new weight training forum