The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I remember hearing of some well known guys doing this year's ago, but Im hearing about it again recently. Basically say you would do a couple light sets of an exercise to pump up a bodypart that you did a couple days previously. It seems kind of complex, but it makes sense.. depending on your personal opinion of how muscles grow. Has anyone tried this or have opinions?
Way back in the EAS days a guy named Clark Bartram (sp?) was talking about it. I have heard a little more about it recently, but I don't know specifically who is touting it. I've done similiar stuff before especially for calves, but my bicep and tricep tendons won't tolerate it.
yeah i think your right daddio

I'm just not into that guy's look. Yes he's huge, but we know he put all kinds of stuff into his arms at least... and not synthol... I forget the name now... but when you need tattoos to show the seperator between your delt and arm... there may be a little too crap crap pumped in there
I'm just not into that guy's look. Yes he's huge, but we know he put all kinds of stuff into his arms at least... and not synthol... I forget the name now... but when you need tattoos to show the seperator between your delt and arm... there may be a little too crap crap pumped in there

Agreed Dude he looked better 5 years ago looks like a blow up doll now and is aging terribly. But hey he is MAking bank so who am I LOL
Agreed Dude he looked better 5 years ago looks like a blow up doll now and is aging terribly. But hey he is MAking bank so who am I LOL

Aging terribly is right!! My man looks run the fuck down in the face to the point I actually feel bad! Could be he's running ragged due to business idk but yeah he ain't looking healthy
think he's worth over 2 million-made a living cussing on the internet, shit-why didn't I think of that
I find his you tube stuff interesting and he appears to know his shit, but 10-12 meals a day as he says he eats? C'mon get real.....that being said I kinda like him for his roughness. He does appear to be easily winded, hoping he is ok
Like Dude, I am interested in feeder sets, doing smaller sets on non-working days....I assume the point is it keeps blood flowing in the muscle, all good. I do that for calves, on non-calf day will pump out 4-5 sets
think he's worth over 2 million-made a living cussing on the internet, shit-why didn't I think of that

i do wonder what he is worth liquid, not talking crazy hyped up over estimated company cost , but actually what he is worth if he had to sell it all off tomorrow , what would he really walk away with, he seems to be a hustler so maybe he does have some serious cash flow
i do wonder what he is worth liquid, not talking crazy hyped up over estimated company cost , but actually what he is worth if he had to sell it all off tomorrow , what would he really walk away with, he seems to be a hustler so maybe he does have some serious cash flow

Some of the wealthiest people I know would make you think they were barely getting by.. the crew I used to hang out with many years ago lived large like nothing I've ever seen... Im talking Ferrari's, Bentley's, well over a million in cars alone... most of them owned several houses... they were leveraged up to their eyeballs... in reality they didn't have a dime to their names...
I'm not saying that's him... but I see ALOT of similarities. I'm sure you know how it is... when you don't have money all you dream about it paying things off and being debt free... when you start getting the money all of a sudden there are a bunch of things that you NEED...
It takes ALOT of hustling for a very long time to actually secure that kind of wealth. I'm more of the consistent long term plug away type. Buy a car.. pay it off.. then pay off the house... then just move down the line. I've got a buddy that has been a Police Officer for 25 years and made good money.. probably 70 - 100k tops the last 10 years... but he drives a regular looking truck, lives in a modest home.... and owns like 15 houses, 5 or 6 small businesses... and has accounts that he does day trading with totalling a couple million dollars... jeans and a t shift type.. wears a $50 Casio watch...he's about as middle class as they come... so it seems
On top of all of that he has a 600k retirement account (DROP) and a 5k a month pension...
No wife and no kids... I think he may be sweet on The Dude so I'm going to give it a shot. Silk will understand.
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