Feeling test

3-5 weeks bros! It takes me 4.5wks to even feel anything. If you don't feel at least any increase in strengh on week 4. Then your shiet is bunk!
its not gonna be like "BAM"!!!just more of a gradual strength, pump, and overall feeling like "damn, that was a good workout and i even did a few more reps then i did last week...lets do another set" that type of thing...but dont over train!
Hits me about week 4 but like prez said it dosen't rock your socks off. I just get stronger and I get an overall sense of wellbeing. Oh I also end up pretty easily aroused by then.

ArnoldsNovice said:
So kick starting a deca test cycle with d bol is only worth it if you stay on the orals for 4 weeks?

That's the theory behind using the faster acting compound on the front end of a cycle consisting primarily of long acting compounds. 4-6 weeks is the typical duration for D-Bol. This is one reason for the timeing the other is you really don't want to take a 17aa based steriod for long periods of time because of liver stress.
Three to four weeks and it won't feel dramatic even then. You'll just have steady progress. If you wanted something that would have kicked in fast and furious then you should have used Muscletech. :p