Iron Game

Gold Member
Heres a great read from a Competitive Female BB

Lots of people have very strong convictions against women using steroids. The most common misconceptions involve the strain of though that steroids will turn a woman into a muscle-bound man with a vagina. Although this may be true in some cases, the fact remains that steroids could be very beneficial to women.

Sure, if you inject a woman with testosterone, she will eventually develop very male characteristics. In fact, this is likely to occur with the use of most steroids.
Some side effects may include deepening of the voice, development of facial and body hair, and clitoral enlargement. Some sports, like female bodybuilding, encourage the participants to develop unnatural amounts of muscle. So in an attempt to excel at their chosen sport, some women do in fact make that ultimate sacrifice. That is where the common misconceptions are born.

There is also a moral issue to deal with. Is it fair to use foreign substances to achieve a thin and beautiful body? I believe that it is fair. After all, are not E/C/A, protein supplements, and the such foreign substances? One may argue that steroids would cause a higher amount of damage to the body. While this is true if the wrong steroids are used, if a female steroid user has the proper guidance, there is no risk at all. There are also many other points that bother me about our society's disdain for female steroid usage. Many claim that it is such a shallow motive to want to look good. I beg to differ. Would you prefer the woman to continue life feeling bad and ashamed of her body? Perhaps having to settle with a mate that she deems unworthy? I think not.

Explain to me why it is socially acceptable to use the birth control pill, which is a steroid, to be able to have frivolous sex? Why is it ok for a woman who feels like she is a man to have a sex change procedure? I say procedure because, unlike the male-to-female sex change operations, there is no genital mutilation involved in turning a woman into a "man."

When a woman seeks to change sexes, they prescribe to her large amounts of testosterone. Yes, you heard me right, steroids. So why is it ok to use steroids to have frivolous sex and change your appearance to be more masculine, while it is so wrong to use steroids in an attempt to lose fat and be healthy? Our society is one filled with many contradictions. Sometimes I am disgusted with society's hypocrisy.

I am here to shed light into an often-shunned topic. I am here to guide you in the proper usage of steroids. I am here to show you how to use steroids without losing any femininity. I am also here to tell you that if used correctly, steroids will NOT hurt you. If used correctly, steroids will NOT make you more masculine. If use correctly, steroids will NOT pose any health risks to you.
We must first determine your ultimate goals. If your goal is to gain as much muscle as possible, with no regard to preserving your feminine qualities, please go elsewhere. This article is not for you. If your goal is to lose fat and perhaps tighten and harder your body up while remaining as feminine as can be, please keep reading.

I will first address the issue of losing fat. There is no point in hardening your muscles and developing a tight body, if a soft layer of fat is going to hide it. It is often to your advantage to lose the fat before gaining the muscle.

Three of the most potent and most popular fat-burning medications used by athletes today are tri-iodothyronine (also known as T3), Clenbuterol, and DNP. I highly suggest avoiding the use of DNP. Not only can it kill you, but it will also damage all of your eggs, thus effectively destroying your ability to have normal babies. Due to the dangers involved with the use of DNP (more so for women), I will avoid discussing it in this article.

The combination of T3 and Clenbuterol has changed many physiques in this day and age. T3 is often used in the medical field to treat obese people. Wolman SI and company did an experiment in which obese patients were treated with 20mcg of T3 three times a day. The research showed a significant increase in weight-loss with no noted adverse side effects. Ventz M. did a similar experiment using 200mcg of T3 a day. T3 is highly effective and, if done correctly, safe. Doses of 150+mcg have been shown to significantly increase the chances of permanent thyroid shutdown. So I recommend using no more than 100mcg a day for no longer than 2 weeks at a time. (1,2)

Clenbuterol is a recently popular drug used by athletes in many sports for its purported anabolic effects and reduction of subcutaneous fat. It is a beta-2 (beta 2) agonist prescribed overseas as a bronchodilator, but not approved for use in this country. Clenbuterol indeed increases the deposition rate of lean mass and retards adipose gain. Clenbuterol is most often found in the form of .02mcg tablets. Male athletes tend to use 5-8 tablets a day. Female athletes tend to use 4-6 tablets a day. Much like T3, Clenbuterol should not be used for over 2 weeks in a row. Spread your doses throughout the day. (3)

With the use of T3 and Clenbuterol, expect to see your body-fat melt away but only if you use the right diet and workouts. I suggest you use the Bodyopus diet and do early-morning endurance exercises. If you are not familiar with the diet, I suggest you buy the book Bodyopus written by Dan Duchaine.

So here is what your fat-loss cycling should look like:
Day 1: 2 tablets of Clenbuterol and 25mcg of T3
Day 2: 3 tablets of Clenbuterol and 50mcg of T3
Days 3-10: 4 tablets of Clenbuterol and 75mcg of T3
Days 11 & 12: 3 tablets of Clenbuterol and 50mcg of T3
Days 13 & 14: 2 tablets of Clenbuterol and 25mcg of T3
Days 15 to 28: no T3 or Clenbuterol
Once you reach day 28, you can start over again at 1. Repeat this cycle as many times as it takes to achieve your desired fat-loss. And remember, you have to follow a good diet and do a lot of cardio.

Once you lose all that fat, it'll be time to put some meat on your body and harden it up. This is where steroids come into play. You'll need to find one with no virilizing (development of masculine properties like a male voice, body and facial hair, etc) properties in order to keep your feminine qualities. Choosing the steroid is the tricky part.

We all know that testosterone is completely out of the question! In his review of four female singers that underwent hormone therapy, Baker noted extreme virilization with the use of testosterone and Nandrolone (also known as Deca). Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) has very strong virilizing properties. Geusens conducted an experiment in which females were give 50mg of Deca every 3-4 weeks. Even at such an incredibly low dose, 50% of the patients experienced virilizing effects. In 1980, Heinonen and company did an experiment involving 98 women. Every single woman who was supplemented with Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) suffered virilizing side effects. I highly recommend avoiding testosterone and Deca! (4,5,6,7)

So what steroid can you safely use? Primobolan depot (methenolone enanthate) is known to be an extremely safe steroid to use. Notter did an experiment in which 43 women were supplemented with 200mg of Primobolan a week. Hartmann and company conducted an experiment in which 66 women were supplemented with Primobolan. In both studies, the steroid was well tolerated. For now I suggest you stick to 100mg a week. (8,9)

Start with 50mg of Primobolan depot per week for two weeks (note- this is Primobolan depot that I am talking about, not Primobolan acetate) if you experience no virilizing properties, I suggest you increase dosage to 100mg per week for 8 weeks. Then taper it down to 50mg per week for another 2 weeks. I suggest you also add some Clenbuterol in the stack. With this stack, it is common for women to experience a tighter body. Most women experience muscle gains in the area of 5-10 pounds during the 12-week cycle. Increased sexual cravings and faster orgasms are common side effects noted by women. A few women experience some acne and oily skin while on Primobolan Depot.

Your cycle should look something like this:
Weeks 1 & 2: 50mg Primobolan depot per week + 3-4 tablets of Clenbuterol per day
Weeks 3 & 4: 100mg Primobolan depot per week
Weeks 5 & 6: 100mg Primobolan depot per week + 3-4 tablets of Clenbuterol per day
Weeks 7 & 8: 10mg Primobolan depot per week
Weeks 9 & 10: 100mg Primobolan depot per week + 3-4 tablets of Clenbuterol per day
Weeks 11 & 12: 50mg Primobolan depot per week

While on this cycle, I suggest eating 110% to 120% of your daily metabolic rate in calories. After the cycle is complete, I suggest waiting 6-8 weeks before starting over again. You may bridge this 6-8 week period with more T3 & clenbuterol cycles. On subsequent cycles, you may experiment with higher doses of Primobolan depot but lower doses immediately if any virilizing occurs.
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