Female Figure and Fitness Anavar, SARM Cycle. Mens Physique Sample Training Cycle


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I Have trained many females for upcoming shows in fitness, figure, and bodybuilding. What holds true with most of the Fitness & Figure ladies with whom i had the pleasure of training was they all generally used Anavar Only Cycles, and had success doing so, and had dialed in what works best for them etc..

So what i would like to speak on through personal experiences of those I train for competition is Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators SARM’s and Anavar cycles.

Many of the female competitors in Figure & Fitness have run cycles similar to the ones mentioned below:

Oral Steroid Stacked With Oral SARM

  • Anavar 5mg ED Weeks 1-8 & 10mg Weeks 9-12
  • Ligandrol 5mg daily Weeks 1-3
  • Cardarine (endurobol GW 501516) 5mg ED Weeks 1-4 | 10mg ED Weeks 5-12

Female Fitness Competition Cycle For Density

  • Anavar 5mg ED Weeks 1-8
  • Proviron 25mg ED Weeks 3-8
  • Nolvadex aka Tamoxifen 20mg ED Weeks 6-9

Mens Physique Competition Cycle

First let me say that this was my first Mens Physique Competitor ever, and when we started he was already lean. His goal was to see if we could add some size to arms specifically his triceps, and side delts. Obviously this was a training for triceps hire, but i will share his cycle which was a simple one. To Stay lean for the next 7 weeks up through his next show while leaving him enough energy to train hard enough for noticable changes.

The Real question was, did his triceps and arms in general look the way they did due to being flat on stage or was this the true nature of his arms. Nine times out of 10 problems like this are nothing more than the competitors starving the muscles pre-contest and not knowing how to hydrate their muscles. Unfortunately this was not the case and his arms needed immediate attention.

Testosterone Propionate (front load):200mg ED 1-4 days 100mg ED days 5,6, 7
75mg ED Week 2-4 and 50mg ED Week 5

Testosterone Suspension : 50mg ED Week 6 and 25mg ED Week 7

IGF-1 Lr3: 80 micrograms ED Weeks 1-4 (Micro Dosing Was Done 4 X Daily @ 20mcg)
This protocol was used during the entire first 4 days the client was frontloading Testosterone propionate.
Microdosing Was: 20mcg left side delt, 20mcg right side delt, 20 mcg right front delt, 20mcg left front delt

Nolvadex 20mg ED Weeks 1-5 | 40mg Week 6-8

Injectable B-12 1,000mcg 3 x Week

Results were more dramatic than any of us including myself could have anticipated! However….I mainly attribute this fact to how we trained his triceps through incorporating them into every days routine forcing growth upon them. The triceps being pounded almost daily combined with the testosterone frontloading and the IGF-1 lr3 micro dosing at and around the tricep during the front load was in my opinion what made this outcome such a success.
