Fiber does it count as calories or carbs?

My trainer says fiber does not count as carbs for a keto diet - so I would say they are not carbs at all. Sugars are what people really care about with carbs...fiber is not useful for energy. Now, IMO, dietary fiber does not count as calories either since the body does not process it, it is only useful in getting your poop out smoothly and easily.
I agree with Cybrsage, it also keeps the pipes clean for better absorption of the good stuff you need.
Unless I'm doing keto I count it with the rest of my macros. Mainly because I'm to lazy to subtract it. Or really my fit app doesn't subtract it. Lol.
I still have a tough time not counting them when on a keto diet, especially when looking at them in protien bars.
It depends on how much of it there is - if there are several grams, I split it into soluble and insoluble fiber. I count the soluble and do not count the insoluble. If there are very few grams total, I do not count it at all.