fina filter question??


New member
i made fina today i finished everything except filtering it wont pass through the filter. so should i use the coffee filter. can someone tell me hoe to use the coffee filter?? and how long should i leave it there for and please post some tips. kk
Check this out. I used Notacows directions. Where it says "The next day" follow those directions. then instead of using a whatman use a funnel and a coffee filter. I let the gunk settle and pulled from the top making sure not to disturb gunk. I let all of that drain. when you get to the bottom of the vial I left about 5ml in a shook it up to get the red stuff moving around since it was stuck to the bottom. I then lifted the coffee filter, added another, then placed the used one back on top. I then poured the contents of the bottle, red goo and all, into the filter let as much of that drain into the vial. Then I picked up the top funnel(with clean hands of course) and squeezed out the remaining oil into the bottom filter being careful not to tear the filter. From there just start back with Notacows directions using the whatman. I got 40g thru one whatman then finidhed with another. I ended up with the prettiest piss colored fina you've ever seen. Hope this helps. It sounds complicated reading this but its not.
yeah like FA said, let it settle overnight, draw the clear top first and run through cf, then put the gunk through the cf, let drain as much as poss. microwaving the whole funnel assembly w/ the fina in it helps sped it up, do 10 secs every 30min or so if in a hurry.

to yield more, cut the cf smaller so it soaks up less oil. wring it out when done.

then sterile filter and your done.
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great tip on cutting the coffee filter down, 'chicken... looking at all that oil in the filter always pissed me off but for some reason (stupidity probably) I never thought of that solution!
you dont need the coffee filter next time just make sure it is warm before you filter the tren trough the whatman
It shouldn't be that difficult, it does take some pressure and time to get it through the filter. What size syringe and pin are you using?
yep, gonna get some heet.
never hurts to have too much stuff arh,arh,arh (tim,the tool man taylor)
have lots of isopropyl, 91%, (not 95) that I use to clean stuff.
In chem lab (at school) we used to use acetone to clean galssware.
where can one get that?
Fina Addict said:
Check this out. I used Notacows directions. Where it says "The next day" follow those directions. then instead of using a whatman use a funnel and a coffee filter. I let the gunk settle and pulled from the top making sure not to disturb gunk. I let all of that drain. when you get to the bottom of the vial I left about 5ml in a shook it up to get the red stuff moving around since it was stuck to the bottom. I then lifted the coffee filter, added another, then placed the used one back on top. I then poured the contents of the bottle, red goo and all, into the filter let as much of that drain into the vial. Then I picked up the top funnel(with clean hands of course) and squeezed out the remaining oil into the bottom filter being careful not to tear the filter. From there just start back with Notacows directions using the whatman. I got 40g thru one whatman then finidhed with another. I ended up with the prettiest piss colored fina you've ever seen. Hope this helps. It sounds complicated reading this but its not.

thanx bro i am gonna do that tonite for sure. this definitly helped