fina vs deca ??

BIG difference, although both go quite well with test. The deca is going to help any sore joints/aches/pains, will put on some good size and strength but I also find I get a fair amount of bloat from it.
Fina on the other hand tends to harden me up like crazy with veins everywhere. Strength goes through the roof but size increase is minimal to moderate.
Application wise, deca you can hit as little as once a week where fina needs EOD or ED injections.
"They" say it's not good to run the 2 together as they both tend to convert to progesterine thereby increasing your chances for those type side effects.
So running Decca and fina is not a good idea? Thats good to know as I wa splanning my cycle and was going to add fina in with test decca anadrol.

Can you run fina with EQ?
running deca with tren would be a stack of 2 nor testosterone derivatives-not necessary , also both have a high relative binding affinity value , so recovery would be tough ...
and yeah , fina and eq can be run without problems ..