Finally got my cycle


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Finally bought my aas... I got 4000mg NPP, 10,000mg Test E, 4000mg Master P, 2,000mg Dbol, 750mg Methyl Sten, 3000mg Trestolone Ace and a few peptides I plan to add to thru AAA. I'm excited to go on it's been too long. I enjoyed a run of HCG and IGF1 and my last ghrp/cjc run, but it's juice time! Still plan on adding MC IGF1 and cjc from AAA bc I really like both and I know they'll complement my gear well!
Oh snap, sounds beast bro, hook us up with the outline when you get a chance, cant wait to see it. What are the goals for the year?
I'm in the "beta Phase" but I plan 8 weeks of Test 600/NPP 400/Mast 500/Dbol 40 (6 weeks) then after dropping everything but Test I plan to add Trestolone at 375mg for 8 weeks probably lower test to 250-400mg The Methyl Sten IDK when it'll come in or if it will depends on bloods. My goal A very lean 190... I'm 176 I plan to start AAA peptides w. MC IGF1 Feb hopefully and trty to lean up 3% or more. Then start if my gear arrives (ordered overseas..)

I may use some folli And/or Ace since Dude loved it and he knows his shit! I Wouldn't be opposed to hitting 405 on bench, but my goal is to be an aesthetic 180/190
I'm in the "beta Phase" but I plan 8 weeks of Test 600/NPP 400/Mast 500/Dbol 40 (6 weeks) then after dropping everything but Test I plan to add Trestolone at 375mg for 8 weeks probably lower test to 250-400mg The Methyl Sten IDK when it'll come in or if it will depends on bloods.
i would use msten at the end of the cycle although i started my current cycle with msten/dmz because dbol wasnt in stock. i get very good strength gains with msten and harden up pretty good

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maybe dbol 4 weeks and start msten week 3
Just out of curiosity, why only 8 weeks of test ? I'd another 4 weeks at least. In my humble opinion of course

He said he was dropping everything but the test, then adding in the Trestolone just lowering the test dose. That is how I perceived it anyways.
Yes... Dropping test from 600mg + to a bit less bc of the Trestolone.. I will depending on bloods add 20mg Msten for the last 6 weeks. And as for Tren... If you buy it I'll add it :D
lol well you already know the answer to that bud 8) this is why its always a good idea to order with a friend ;)