First cycle. Woohoo. critique please


New member
i want to make sure everyone knows i am using the clen for it's anticatabolic affects, not to cut up from it.

13wk cycle

test prop wk 1-3 150mgs/eod

test enanthate wk 1-10 500mgs/wk (250mon/thurs shot)

winny wk 7-13 50mgs/day

clomid wk 13
300mg day 1
100mg/day next 10 days
50mg/day last 10 days

clen starting wk 13:
Day1: 20mcg
Day2: 40mcg
Day3: 60mcg
Day4: 80mcg
Day5: 80mcg
Day6-Day12: 100mcg
Day13: 80 mcg
Day14: 60 mcgs
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA

Day1: 60mcg
Day2: 80mcg
Day3: 80mcg
Day4: 100mcg
Day5: 100mcg
Day6-Day12: 120mcg
Day13: 100 mcg
Day14: 80 mcgs
Day15: off
Day16: off
Day 17: ECA

nolvadex on hand if needed.

critique away. also, what can I do to reduce the pain from a prop injection?

i am thinking about getting some HCG. how should i run it? at what point in the cycle, how long, and dosages?
Beachbum1546 said:
critique away. also, what can I do to reduce the pain from a prop injection?

Don't know about the rest but I don't think there's anything to reduce the prop pain
at the length of your cycle and the doses you are running, i dont belive hcg will be add some nolvadex at 40mg for pct, id run it for the same amount of time you run your might also consider running the prop along with the winny at the end, i think that will give you some extra energy as your enanthate is leaving your system, try it for the last 3 weeks of you winstrol intake...your cycle looks good bro...MM
Looks solid. The only thing you may want to consider especially for a 1st timer and since your running enanthate too, is drop the prop to 100mg eod. That would help diminish the pain somewhat.
Mix the Prop and Enan. in the same pin or 2 pins may help some!
This way you have a smaller amount of Prop per injection site.

That stuff kills me.
ok so should it look like this?

test prop wk 1-3 100mgs/eod

test enanthate wk 1-10 500mgs/wk (250mon/thurs shot)

winny wk 7-13 50mgs/day

test prop wk 10-13 100mgs/eod

clomid and nolva starting wk 13. same clomid as above and nolva 40mgs/day

same clen dosages.

is this cool? seems a tad heavy, but you guys are the knowlegable ones. kinda funny cuz on another board they said my original cycle was WAY too strong and test-E alone would be enough (bah!).

thanks bros.
It really depends on the results your looking for and what your current weight is. It sounds like you've done your homework so that's why I didn't say cut it down much more. Would you grow off 500mg of enanthate per week? ABSOLUTELY! A 1st timer will respond to almost anything! If you wanted to cut it down some I wouldn't worry about kickstarting with the prop, the enanthate will kick in within 3 weeks so you could cut out prop on 1-3, your choice.
whats the idea of running prop and winny at the same? i figured that the test E is in my blood for at least another 2 weeks after my last shot. so it really is like 12wks on test E.

thanks bros
by following up with the prop and winny you keep you test levels steady during the end of the cycle as the enthanate is fading out. It also helps you to "harden up" and makes it easier to keep gains afterwards.
KidRok said:
by following up with the prop and winny you keep you test levels steady during the end of the cycle as the enthanate is fading out. It also helps you to "harden up" and makes it easier to keep gains afterwards.
ahh ok. thanks man

btw, I am
12% bf
one thing no one mentioned is possibly using some eq or deca. When you start the winny you may experience dry achy joints. Just a thought
For prop I've diluted 1.5cc's with .5cc's of B12 and it worked like a charm for pain whats-so-ever!
winnie said:
For prop I've diluted 1.5cc's with .5cc's of B12 and it worked like a charm for pain whats-so-ever!

Man I wish I knew about this... those prop shots are brutal. You learn something new every day.