First Cycle, would like some advice.


New member
I've had a hard time tracking down info regarding cycles for athletes, the majority of whats out there seems to be geared toward BB's. I'm assuming that there would be a difference between the two types of cycles.
Me: 24 years old, 6', #197, don't know BF%, about to begin pre-season lifting sessions with a strength coach(8 weeks).
Considering running Test Prop for 8wks on a taper. Start at 150, peak at 300 for 2 weeks then taper back to 150. Gonna have Nolvadex on hand just incase.
Will I need a PCT, if so will Nolvadex be enough?
How much weight can I expect to put on(trying to add 15#)? 6 meals a day, eating clean.
Am I on the right track guys? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Are those numbers per week? if so 150 is nothing at all. If you are going to do it you want to run 50 ED or 100 EOD and also there is no reason to taper, just run a consistent dose throughout.. You will need PCT like clomid as the prop will shut you down. I personally never put on huge amounts of weight with prop, 6 to 8 pounds so it's hard to say how much weight you will gain.. Also, I am not really sure how beneficial prop is for an athlete.. Most I know use things such as winstrol for endurance, etc..

You should get some more detailed responses, I know my is pretty general :cool:
This is your first post, and you're asking about a cycle already? How long have you been training, and what's your routine like?
agreed with the guys above need a little more info. I would start out with 100mg's eod. Keep it at that for the 8 weeks. No reason to peak and if its your first cycle you will get some good gains. Pct you need nolva and some clomid or toremifene or hcg to get the boys back in town.
Sounds like youre getting ready for football?? Well, Test is always good for a first cycle but i dont know what youre exact goals are, so more info is needed.
I've had a hard time tracking down info regarding cycles for athletes, the majority of whats out there seems to be geared toward BB's. I'm assuming that there would be a difference between the two types of cycles.
Me: 24 years old, 6', #197, don't know BF%, about to begin pre-season lifting sessions with a strength coach(8 weeks).
Considering running Test Prop for 8wks on a taper. Start at 150, peak at 300 for 2 weeks then taper back to 150. Gonna have Nolvadex on hand just incase.
Will I need a PCT, if so will Nolvadex be enough?
How much weight can I expect to put on(trying to add 15#)? 6 meals a day, eating clean.
Am I on the right track guys? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Your lifting sessions sound like they are for football which means you will be doing or should be doing "olympic lifting" for power and burst, so I would recommend pure test alone, and no ramp up and down, do 200 mg eod for 8-12 weeks and you will get exactly what your looking for out of this no matter your position on the field!
I play rugby, my position is flanker. Sorta like a Line Backer for football. I'm a little undersized which is why I'm looking for 15 pounds. My training is a mix of Powerlifting, Oly and Strongman with track sessions involving lots of sprints. This is my third year training like this, 5 years total training.
Goals would be to add the 15 pounds and hang on to it post cycle, while maintaining or improving my current running quickness and speed.
The numbers were totals for the weeks, with injections eod, sounds like it wouldn't have been enough.
Are there any reasons I should stack with Deca or Winstrol? Some folks say it's not necessary on your first cycle, while others say it's almost essential.
Thanks for the help guys.
I play rugby, my position is flanker. Sorta like a Line Backer for football. I'm a little undersized which is why I'm looking for 15 pounds. My training is a mix of Powerlifting, Oly and Strongman with track sessions involving lots of sprints. This is my third year training like this, 5 years total training.
Goals would be to add the 15 pounds and hang on to it post cycle, while maintaining or improving my current running quickness and speed.
The numbers were totals for the weeks, with injections eod, sounds like it wouldn't have been enough.
Are there any reasons I should stack with Deca or Winstrol? Some folks say it's not necessary on your first cycle, while others say it's almost essential.
Thanks for the help guys.

if you want to keep it simple then all you need is pure test all by itself! and you can keep it with good pct. deca and winny are not essential brutha trust me! your not trying to step on stage in posing trunks, ur trying to get bigger, stronger, faster for then you should use testosterone at atleast 200mg eod. i promise ya bro i wouldnt steer ya wrong
Yeah if you run 500 or so mgs of test a week for your first cycle you should see those kind of gains as long as you eat enough. Have nolvadex on hand to be safe to make sure you have no sides. I know 500 is a small dose but I got some itchy nipples at 350 once. You never know.
bro, I dont think any oen was trying to not give you advice at all. I think the general concensus is that their is a wealth of knowledge on this site and it fresh for teh picking. Most of us tend to give better advice much like Presser did but only after we know a bit more about the person.
Presser is right on teh money thoguh to make it simple would be yoru best bet. Diet is key, you are what you eat. Training is second and if you do a cycle then the msot important thing would be to keep it simple ansd run a test only cycle to see whats happening with your body adn how it effects you. You are still pretty young and i am pretty safe to say that you have a lot of ntural test running through ya.

I just don't if I would tell a first timer to try tren. I have never done it and I have about four solid cycles under my belt in the past. Its one of those drugs that sides are pretty common and I would hate for him to hit a vein with tren not knowing how to inject. I have read so many horror stories about tren cough and high bp that I don't want it personally.