First day of the rest of my life


New member
I like forums like this because its a great place to get advice and inspiration. I realized today that I have been cheating my self out of what I want in life. I almost feel like I hit rock bottom. I had a girlfriend for a few years and we recently broke up. After evaluating the situation I realized that I have been neglecting my self. I have compromised my workouts, my diet, and my goals because of someone else’s opinion. I am realizing now that what I have become as of late is not what I am or want to be. I am very hard on my self in most things in life and for some reason I have let my guard down on my self. I am done with that shit, I am ready to get back to what makes me happy as a person. I had my priorities mixed up pretty good there for a while but I can honestly say that I am no longer going to compromise my goals for anyone. Im glad I found a forum with people that are BB for all the right reasons and not talking about complete bullshit. Ill keep everyone posted on how well I do with keeping up with my training and diet.
Sounds like you are getting your head on straight. That is the key to everything, not just BB and training, but life. If you give up a piece of yourself for someone else you are not giving them all you have to offer. Taking some time away from all the BS is tough to do sometimes, but usually is the right decision. Keep fighting bro... trust your heart and follow it. Not always easy to do, but usually right. Rember, things fall apart so other things can fall into place. If you anything bro, we are all here for you :thumbsup:
Good to here your back on the right track bro, your def. at a good place here, hope everything goes well for ya!
Brutha, trust me...this is a great place to rant and just blow off some steam when you need to. I've done it many times. As far as you getting back to what makes you happy...I think this is the only way to be. You need to be who you actually are, and the sad thing is some people go their entire lives and never figure out who they are. You are going to be much better off in the end for doing this and I wish you the best of luck on it. Keep us posted!
congrats on a lesson learned bro... it's OK to compromise... but to give it all up? absolutely not... no need to give it ALL up... and if you want sound advice, should you meet someone else that you find yourself interested in... make sure they know your priorities from the get go... and if you like something that in the public eye is a little 'taboo' .. then send them here to get educated... come to this site together, and it can be amazing how much better your relationship can be when people understand and educate themselves about each other's hobbies... trust me.. being selfish sometimes is awesome... but i gotta be honest when i say that being able to share your hobbies, regardless of what they are with your sig other is incredible...

i know some bro's on here gotta hide thier lifestyle from thier sig other's.. and to be honest, i have no idea how you do it... it makes the life that much more challenging... and staying focused on your priorities is hard enough (as you already know) LOL..

good luck and keep us updated with your progress... welcome to
I feel ya bro, I'm going through a life changing period in my life right now as well. I recently was told that the doctors couldn't find any signs of my cancer in my blood now so I'm really facing a new start with everything. When I was at my worst, all I thought about was the things I have loved the most and how I would miss them so much. But now that I have a second chance I'm gonna stick close to the things I love with everlasting devotion. And if theres a girl out there that will honor those things by my side then great.If not fuck"em. Because you have to love yourself first and stick to your guns. If not, Its all just wasted time. Keep with it bro and keep us posted on how your doing......Keep rockin....TOOL
BiggerFS said:
I like forums like this because its a great place to get advice and inspiration. I realized today that I have been cheating my self out of what I want in life. I almost feel like I hit rock bottom. I had a girlfriend for a few years and we recently broke up. After evaluating the situation I realized that I have been neglecting my self. I have compromised my workouts, my diet, and my goals because of someone else’s opinion. I am realizing now that what I have become as of late is not what I am or want to be. I am very hard on my self in most things in life and for some reason I have let my guard down on my self. I am done with that shit, I am ready to get back to what makes me happy as a person. I had my priorities mixed up pretty good there for a while but I can honestly say that I am no longer going to compromise my goals for anyone. Im glad I found a forum with people that are BB for all the right reasons and not talking about complete bullshit. Ill keep everyone posted on how well I do with keeping up with my training and diet.

Theres nothing like finding urself bro, and alot of people are like who u were or how u were, they have no idea what they want or where theirgoing