
New member
Hey guys I guess I just joined the best muscle forum, I hope.

I'm after some insight preferably from a VETERAN. First cycle and only cycle advice as i don't plan to see steroids past 1 cycle. I've done a lot of research and I will keep researching probably for another 9-12 months before I actually make any moves but my goal is to bulk up, keeping same BF%, currently 10%BF at 170lbs and I've been working out for about 4 years, I'm 25.

My first question is, is it worth it? Is it worth it even if i decide to do one cycle? How much do you really keep, long term?
I really don't like messing around with hormones but I'm not a nun. If i see the benefits I'll look into it.

Second part is, what stack would you take for your first and only cycle?
I understand experimenting, coming in slow and testing out how your body reacts etc etc.
But knowing what you know now, given all the xp. What would be your cycle?

Currently a simple Test E 750mg PW with D-bol 40mg ED appeals to me and some HCG with an AI. What would you throw in the mix and whats your reasoning?

There is a lot of misleading info out there so please provide logical reasoning and understanding of the role of your stack.
And if there are any useless links, before and after pics or just info on steroids, please share them.

Thanks MC crew

Test cyp and dbol 12 weeks
200-400mg a week and dbol 40mg a day for first 4 weeks
Last 4 weeks 50mg oral winny day
with 20mg nolva a day up to 40mg if needed

Nolva 20-40mg day and end with hcg and clomid 100-50mg day.

need clarification just ask.
To do a one and done is fairly unrealistic............if you are in this for the long term, if you do it once you will do it again.
I agree with some of the guys above.

When I did my first cycle.....Well firstly, it took me forever to finally decide to do it, and after I finally decided to do it, I never looked back. I look at gear, not as a drug (though they are), but as a means to an end. You can use gear to help you achieve so many goals, whether those goals are to get stronger, compete, get the ladies, or to make yourself love looking in the mirror. Whatever your initial reason, that reason usually keeps you coming back. I would say it is hard to think of a "one and done" kind of mentality to steroids. Its kind of like saying you only want to drive one car your entire life, even though you know of all the other amazing cars out there.
Hey guys I guess I just joined the best muscle forum, I hope.

I'm after some insight preferably from a VETERAN. First cycle and only cycle advice as i don't plan to see steroids past 1 cycle. I've done a lot of research and I will keep researching probably for another 9-12 months before I actually make any moves but my goal is to bulk up, keeping same BF%, currently 10%BF at 170lbs and I've been working out for about 4 years, I'm 25.

My first question is, is it worth it? Is it worth it even if i decide to do one cycle? How much do you really keep, long term?
I really don't like messing around with hormones but I'm not a nun. If i see the benefits I'll look into it.

Second part is, what stack would you take for your first and only cycle?
I understand experimenting, coming in slow and testing out how your body reacts etc etc.
But knowing what you know now, given all the xp. What would be your cycle?

Currently a simple Test E 750mg PW with D-bol 40mg ED appeals to me and some HCG with an AI. What would you throw in the mix and whats your reasoning?

There is a lot of misleading info out there so please provide logical reasoning and understanding of the role of your stack.
And if there are any useless links, before and after pics or just info on steroids, please share them.

Thanks MC crew


Not many people train for 4 years, then start asking or thinking about a 1st cycle bro. I would also be interested in why hold off for another 9-12 months?
i only did one cycle, lol, i started it about 16 years ago and still running it lmao, so theoretically its possible lmao
Not a Veteran. But Anavar + Plus Test + DECA = Perfect for me...Anavar pumps is incredible. DECA relieves joint pain and nectar of the Gods--->Test makes you happy/mojo'd
Lmao Presser, give me one of those!

Well I suppose my other half of my goal is to maintain an aesthetic physique at around 85kg (187lbs) and thats where I want to stay. I'm not after crazy gains or those 30lbs water stacks. 10-17 pounds gain would be my absolute max for a long time. One cycle is really all I need. My only issue besides the actually stack is how much do you actually keep for the long run? Say a year after the cycle? Given that diet, training, sleep and stress levels are in check. Do you drop back to your original state? I've seen some guys fall back down but they never had great prep to begin with, young one timers. So it begs the question....:saywhat:

Not many people train for 4 years, then start asking or thinking about a 1st cycle bro. I would also be interested in why hold off for another 9-12 months?

A friend of a friend did a cycle and it was just next level.. so here I am, on a mission. I'm in no rush, I'd hate to fuck up my first cycle. I see and hear a lot of people get the first cycle wrong and thats where most gains are supposedly made or they wreak havoc on their bods.

Everything in 9 - 12 months makes more sense, more research, time off work, dedication, summer etc. And theres such a great variance in ideas and thought on how to cycle, that makes things interesting, gotta dig deeper. :laugh:
I'll go against the grain here, a little bit. How tall are you? I'm thinking 170 lbs and 10% bf, working out for 4 years, you aren't eating enough. Not trying to be a dick here. Before you start taking a bunch of gear, you need to learn how to eat. Check out Mountain Man's log, and pay attention to his diet. Are you eating like that?

My other comment is, 750 mg of test a week for your 1st cycle is an insane amount of gear. If you decide to do a cycle, start with test only, and a reasonable dose, to see how you respond. Personally, I get side effects at fairly low doses of test, so I don't do large doses. And I still make slow, steady gains. Plus, I'm 46. At 25, I think you should be able to put on 15 lbs in a year just by training hard and eating enough (and eating the right foods) to support your training and growth.

Look at a cycle once you've stopped growing with your diet optimized. Those are my thoughts on it, anyway. Take it for what it's worth.

Welcome to MC, btw. Hang around a while, there are plenty of helpful folks here who are more than willing to help.
Only because it would be killer to take a 1st cycle again I would only do 100mg of test prop every 3 days and go from there.