First Tren Ace Cycle...lethargy?


New member
5'8" 206lbs 10% body fat...currently on day 6 of ten ace running 150mg/week @ 25mg everyday and 250mg sust + 20mg tbol ed.

So far I can already tell this compound is no joke. I already feel the increased aggression, anxiety and strength/pumps. But for some reason I've been waking up VERY fatigued after a full night of deep sleep, ts almost unbearable fatigue. I take .5 caber e3d before bed, trazadone, L-tryptophan, valerian root, melotinin to knock me out into deep sleep every night, works great.

The only way I seem to shake off the fatigue is to take my alubuterol and this lethargy normal on tren?

How is your appetite on tren? Mine seems to be fluctuating, at times. Lower in the morning then at the gym or post workout i feel tren is screaming for more carbs....I'm at about 3600-4000 cals a day. (yesterday I got 314g protein, 380g carb, 99g fat to total 3700 cals) not including crazy 1 1/2 -2 hour workouts burning at least 900-1000 cals to bring me to a net total of 2493 cals...also 1g+ water

Is My diet too light for tren? Should I up the carbs? My goal is to body recomp, get very dry & shredded as possible, basically burn fat while building lean muscle.
(many have said im crazy and already ripped but I want to see how far I can take it)
Welcome to the board bro. Not took that stuff in years. So will leave the Q open to others. Lack of sleep always fucked me up. But once I got in the gym I was the hulk.
5'8" 206lbs 10% body fat...currently on day 6 of ten ace running 150mg/week @ 25mg everyday and 250mg sust + 20mg tbol ed.

So far I can already tell this compound is no joke. I already feel the increased aggression, anxiety and strength/pumps. But for some reason I've been waking up VERY fatigued after a full night of deep sleep, ts almost unbearable fatigue. I take .5 caber e3d before bed, trazadone, L-tryptophan, valerian root, melotinin to knock me out into deep sleep every night, works great.

The only way I seem to shake off the fatigue is to take my alubuterol and this lethargy normal on tren?

How is your appetite on tren? Mine seems to be fluctuating, at times. Lower in the morning then at the gym or post workout i feel tren is screaming for more carbs....I'm at about 3600-4000 cals a day. (yesterday I got 314g protein, 380g carb, 99g fat to total 3700 cals) not including crazy 1 1/2 -2 hour workouts burning at least 900-1000 cals to bring me to a net total of 2493 cals...also 1g+ water

Is My diet too light for tren? Should I up the carbs? My goal is to body recomp, get very dry & shredded as possible, basically burn fat while building lean muscle.
(many have said im crazy and already ripped but I want to see how far I can take it)

bro its the trazzadone! Though tren can and does cause some to be lethargic! My guess for your fatigue is the trazadone, i know you listed it for your sleeping, and yes some doctors will prescribe it for sleep, as did my dr once, and i looked it up and then trashed the entire script, you don't wanna be taking trazadone brutha! Look it up!
bro its the trazzadone! Though tren can and does cause some to be lethargic! My guess for your fatigue is the trazadone, i know you listed it for your sleeping, and yes some doctors will prescribe it for sleep, as did my dr once, and i looked it up and then trashed the entire script, you don't wanna be taking trazadone brutha! Look it up!

Thanks brotha. I just looked into the're right. Its some strong stuff, Im going to cut it out completely