

New member
Anyone read Sept issue of Flex? I bought it yesterday and it has pictures of Arnold and the gangs (Columbo, Mark, Zane) in the gym. Those guys are awesome. Nowadays no BBers get together and workout/exchanging ideas anymore. Damn sad!!

I can't do what they did back in the 60's and 70's (e.g. train bi's for 2-1/2 hours). The old school of BB'ing.
great issue, lots of good stuff from Arnold and the crew.
someone left that flex at my work, and i was very impressed with the pages that had the old school bb'ers in it. The rest of the mag is trash though wich sucks.
Back then they did it more for themselves, Today it is a business and you don't hang out with your rivals............
that's a shame, from watching pumping iron, and seeing all those pics, it seems like they just had so much comradorie like a team, yet were still big time competitors, not a bunch of over grown winny bitchs like today.
Not a flex fan but definetly an Arnold fan. I read the mag cover to cover pretty much waiting in the er with my son. It was pretty cool how much those guys supported and helped one another. Imagine all those guys working out together. Now you see maybe two pros together at most.