For Presser

I would do about 90% of those midgets! Seriously ! It'd be the first time my cock ever looked big lol!
I've always wanted to have sex with a midget. I've always dreamed of them sitting on me and spinning in circles on my dick lol
Get your wifey to buy you a Penomet ;)

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Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course I had to go and google what the fuck "Penomet" was, and now its in my history on my wifes computer lol, dick head! As soon as the page popped up a Huge pic of i guess a penis pump popped up and i closed the page out as fast as I fucking could lol, but I GAURAN-FUCKING-TEE my wife finds out i looked this shit up on GOOGLE ,lol, asshole! Give some one a heads up would ya, not everyone knows what the fuck PENOMET means lol, you could have just said penis pump lol, in which case I would have said "been there done that" lol
Fuck me!!!! I cant stop laughing at that last post Presser!!! Restore your computer to yesterday son....

Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course I had to go and google what the fuck "Penomet" was, and now its in my history on my wifes computer lol, dick head! As soon as the page popped up a Huge pic of i guess a penis pump popped up and i closed the page out as fast as I fucking could lol, but I GAURAN-FUCKING-TEE my wife finds out i looked this shit up on GOOGLE ,lol, asshole! Give some one a heads up would ya, not everyone knows what the fuck PENOMET means lol, you could have just said penis pump lol, in which case I would have said "been there done that" lol

Bahaahaa and what would be the fun in that big guy!?
Just let her know you are preparing a "big" gift for her b'day lol I'm sure she'd blush ;)

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