Frank Zane, Mr Olympia at 71



For the last couple of months I've been training regularly three times a week with Fernandez, doing my new Let's Grow routine with everything right to make gains. Not attending Arnold Expo this year saved me a lot of energy which I've channeled into training. Plus, I've been consuming 75 grams of my new Egg White Perfection daily in various mixes before and after workouts and then after dinner. As a result I'm getting a tremendous pump in my workouts, check out this shot take after Tuesday's workout.

When I'm not training, eating, or sleeping I'm writing my next book Let's Grow. It's all about how to train, eat, relax and think to grow muscle and a positive attitude. It features my new three way split routine, is very detailed, just finished the rough draft and I'm shooting for publication in early May. Watch for it. Already have lots of pre-order requests from Building the Body quarterly subscribers. This routine is doing it for me, at age almost 72 I'm growing muscle. Who knew!

Still growing,
Frank Zane
I like Frank and I always have. Actually he and Sergio are the only ones to ever beat Arnold in competition. I like his advise on training with the seasons. He is without a doubt a hall of famer in this sport.