Free Gear in Exchange for Lab Work

Mike Arnold

New member
PSL Product Testing
Free Gear in Exchange for Lab Work

Hi, guys. As a relatively new company, nothing is more important than promotion…the right kind of promotion. While there is value in putting on contests and educating the public about who we are as a company, we realize that from a customer’s perspective, nothing is more important than product assurance. To this end, product reviews and logs are great, but nothing beats lab work.

Lab work is the undeniable gold-standard of product evaluation and for this reason, we are going to be selecting two people from this board who are willing to get bookwork and publically post their results for all to see.

We will leave this thread open for a few days, after which point we will select the product testers and get started. Anyone who is selected will be provided with guidelines for testing, to ensure uniformity and reliability of test results across the board. If you are interested, let us know right here in this thread.
I might be intrested. per my Dr and PT I'll be able to start training again in a couple of weeks. since I've lost quite a bit this might be a good barometer to compare to what I was at before and what I was on.

let me know what you're looking for and what you want to try and I'll consider it if you even want me to try it. thanks
Can't beat test results, no argument there. I'd try something for you all, I'm curious to see how your stuff pans out
I am definitely up for that. I am preparing for the NPC Nationals in November of this year. So I would love to test out your products and if they benefit me I will definitely use your products for my prep. I have no problem sharing results for your stuff.
I'm cleaning out right now to get back on for a show in November and December. I'll be getting labs per trainers instructions next week and I'm sure he'll want another down the line to make sure everything is healthy.
Would love to test your product and get blood work every couple weeks to Doc was going to prescribe me some gear but can hold off in hopes I am selected.....
everyone is gona come out of the wood work for this one...

you should have them get labs tested 1st before anything is sent then you can get a baseline and know they are at least commited to getting the blood work done .
I got those done if you need them......and a test level of and IGF test done as took 15 vials of blood to do complete profile on me.....
Sounds like a good offer, not for me but the people here seem willing to take a stab at it. Prepping for a show though, I would be hesitant to test products close to being on stage.
i was on their website last night questioning putting in an order i sure would like one of my trusted MC brutha's giving me the scoop on their product

i was thinking this was another company im an idiot

nope i was right the first time the second time an idiot
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Good idea, not for me but great marketing on item. Time always tells. I do feel as the tester should not be one chosen because he can be given a different batch that was over dosed or made just right, now he post up his results and BANG!!! there great everone orders because test prove that tester got great stuff, in the mean time everything else is underdosed. Not at all saying that's you do or what you are doing. Im a old guy who been around a long long time. I seen it all. A tester should be some randon joe who orders and gets what everone is getting. Then maybe once every few months there are random guys testing. A no Min is a good way to let everyone try and get some feedback. Sorry if I sound like a dick , im not just saying what first thing that poped into my mind when reading.
yea I agree with little guy a low min to begin with at least gets the products out there and feedback will come in and then you can bump it back up, I do completely understand the reasons behind a min as well.