
Staff member
Squatting aint easy, or everyone would be doing it!

Lets face it, Most of us can generally place an exercise or muscle group to any day of the week and it wold hold true for 85% of all gym rats!

  • Monday = Chest & Triceps , bench press & pushdowns
  • Wednesday = Back & Biceps, Pulls and Curls
  • Friday = The Full Body Pump Up, cause your either bouncing at the club, or partying in the club and either way you want to hit that full body pump so your little brothers shirt looks just right on you!

Where the Fuck have all the Squatters gone?

Why on GODs green earth is no one working their legs on anything but Machines (if that). In my humble opinion it comes down to Instant Gratification, Ego, and the "LOOK AT ME" Selfie-Indulgent Crowd, cause truth is unless your living where its always warm, no one is going to see your legs! I was astounded when I worked out in Florida and I couldnt find ONE man or women in the gym without a decent set of legs! I guess it came down to theyre always wearing shorts! Ask a guy in the North East to wear shorts to the gym, lol, He will be working out in jogging pants All Summer Long!

If your just starting out, you Need to Know, You MUST SQUAT! Yes MUST!

If you only do one leg exercise, make sure its SQUATS! Not Smith Machine , or Some of that weird counter-weight balanced bar on a wire bullshit, but rather get in the fucking rack , bar on back and squat ass to grass.

Even if you only squat (not that im suggesting that) but if its all you do for leg day at least know its the one leg exercise that builds your lower body the absolute most! Not only does Squatting build most of your lower body, Squatting helps your entire body grow, head to toes by incorporating almost every major and minor muscle group!

How Do Squats Help The Rest Of My Body?

Squatting will help strengthen your bench press, your abs, your back, your shoulders, you name it!

Squatting Strengthens & Builds Chest:

  • Keeping the bar on your back alone through all those sets, with your hands stretched out, holding the bar up and steady in itself is a powerful isometric combined with the stretching of your delts and pectoral insertion points, that in and of itself is a workout and quite beneficial to your favorite exercise (dont lie) bench press!

Squatting Strengthens & Builds Abs:

  • Again Isometrics come into play when Squatting with Proper Form and Technique. The Constant tension or flexing of the abs not only will help build and strengthen them, but will help create more heat in that general area aiding in fat loss. Ever try squatting without keeping your abs flexed? Good Luck with That!

If You thought I was going to go down the list, and explain why Squatting helps Build, tone and strengthen every other body, your mistaken, as Back was next on the list, and if you cant figure out how a Giant barbell loaded with 45 pound plates laying behind your neck helps strengthen your back then Read No Further, Get Up From Your Computer, and Sign Up To Planet Fitness!! Pizza Night is Friday

So as you can HOPEFULLY see, even if you could only do ONE EXERCISE per week, Squatting would be the absolute best choice.

Squatting more over free weight barbell medium to heavy weight squatting will help your body produce more Growth Hormone naturally Than any other exercise or compound movement!
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My very favorite exercise!! You run into people everyone always ask what do you bench? Not me I ask how much you squat?

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Barbell back squat is the king. Every amateur should start with squatting 3x a week with nothing else until he gets the hang of good solid form. I have seen that alone take people to the next level in strength.
After putting some serious sets in back squatting and then front squating it almost makes all other leg excercises feel useless lol
pretty much! though i love doing leg extensions, and i like to pre-exhaust with leg extensions before doing hacks or back in the day squats lol
Pre-Exhausting is great before squats. I do one week just heavy squats. The next week pre-exhausting.
Squats are definitely the best compound exercise! I include them in every leg workout

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Vital in my opinion for the youngsters!

Olympic lifts are where its at when your younger just starting out in sports and in time when your foundation is set, you can than begin to chizzzzzzle

For football players i would say Olympic lifting all the way, clean and jerk and all the shit bodybuilders dont do