friend of mine getting ready for a comp in october this year


Musclechemistry Member

basic stats
weight 106 kgs
bf % 11
height 181 cm

current cycle
sustanon 1g per week
tren e 600 mg per week
hgh 6-8 iu ed
nolvadex 20 mg ed

planning on starting igf-1 lr3 from next month at 40-50 mcg ed

what shoould he add more i was thinking of masteron at dose of 500-600 mg per week
and eq at 1 g per week
eating 4500-5000 al diet
ill post some new ones in few weeks time as well , so far the changes i would like add in this mix would be add mast or proviron or both lol , primo would be expensive plus hard to find legit so only if we get legit primo , eq im not sure of , i think 1 g of eq per week would make him gain few lbs but still 50/50 , igf-1lr3 is for sure
Holy hell dudes jacked! Masteron! I'd say 500-800mg! EQ/Winny to increase vascularity. And dry him up even further! The IGF1 should be wicked synergistic!
Winny i was thinking for last 6-8 weeks , but could do right now with small dose , masteron is in for sure as he is bald something not to worry of lol , I really love master on for me but always afraid to run long and high dose coz of hair issues lmao
He could do the 6-8 or finish say 4-6 with the last 14 days @ 100mg I see a few precomps do 14 days @ 100mg to 'finish n dry up' But 4 me winny I doubt is 4 me... my joints r precious LMAO like u guys n ur hair! Bastards LMAO DHT destroyed my hair but I'm lean bc of it & I hear the Japanese are on the verge of a cure for balding! Woohoo!
if his show is in october he has a long way to go still like almost 6 months, i wouldnt add anything at this point to be honest, i would actually take a break for a couple months off everything then gas it for the show.
I agree with csuperman. He still has a ways to go before competition. If your dead set on not breaking, then I'd in the EQ, but only if you can start fairly soon cause its a long ester. You can add in the Masteron and IGF now for sure. 500-800mg a week and I'd run the IGF at 100mcg a day. I'm not a fan of Winny, but the last 4 weeks pre-contest probably need it to dry up all the way.... Dude looks good though. His body is responding well to what he's doing....

thanks for the replies lads , he had a month off before , just 3 weeks into this cycle will continue prob for 6-8 weeks more then a short break , after that start again till comp as for winny it would be used only last 6-8 weeks or even just for last 4 weeks depending on condition
cheers guys
do you know what and when he stopping before show and how far out, and what he is going to run straight through the show? Im just always curious of this, as it varies so much. I know i ran my tren ace straight through my shows and loved it! while i stopped my igf-1 and prop 10 days out
Yup igf-1 would be stopped 10 days before , tren e , winstrol and letro to cut water don't want to use deuretics only if necessary ,
If on the day of show igf-1 lr3 application would help to get more pump and round look ?
And what do you guys suggest for contes prep , especiallylast week ?
Thanks again for the input lads really appreciated