FU friday !


New member
Ha ! in your face Weirdal

FU WeirdAl I started the FU thread this week !
FU my self for getting a really great night sleep only to have to get up at 5am to go train a client at 5:30am !

thats all I got
F U canine spinal degenerative Trauma related disorder
F U people who dont keep thier dogs inside , in a fence, or on a leash
F U people who dont spay or nueter there animals
F U controoling ass men who think they need to diminish a woman in order to feel better about themselves
F U Lady putting on makeup AND talking on your cell phone in the $%^^$%^$%^^345 fast lane this morning
F U Badgermoon (im angry what can i say)
F U dumbass leaders who have no people skills
this is an old one....

FU people who drop their animals off at the Humane Society because they don't "have time for them anymore" - don't you know what happens to those animals?
FU hair for still not being cut
FU money, for never being here when I need you
FU redneck from Franklin, VA for trying to shoot your " huntin' dawg" when he didn't come when you called
FU wife
FU WIFE (did I already say that?)
HA! None of you he-men would need this Fu thread ,,if you had followed my advice and got the eyebrows waxed ..
FU work i gotta quit this job ASAP:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I can't believe it but I got one.....

*U (I have a hard time spelling it as much as I do saying it :p )
Anyway, my little man (he's only 6) is having really bad asthma problems today. :( This worries a mommy. He's needed to use his inhalers 3 times already today....
LOL....FU the person who made "texas chainsaw massacre" Made me wanna teach my son at 3 months old how to use a shotgun, and no longer wanting to go camping without a howitzer.. so FU for not putting a happy ending in it for the female who made me paranoid..LOL
FU...laundry go away I don't have time for this.
FU...winter I hate it
FU...cold temps
FU...work I need to win the lottery
FU...24 hour days they need to be 30
FU...prices of everything
FU...sleeep or lack of
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FU Boss who isn't here at work.
FU director who hasn't called me back
FU super heavy work load tonight
FU not getting paid to put up with this shit
i did the thank you thing first so i really would be in a bad mood if i did this before bedtime
I really think that it should be FU mondays. They suck way more than fridays.
*Claire* said:
i did the thank you thing first so i really would be in a bad mood if i did this before bedtime
I really think that it should be FU mondays. They suck way more than fridays.

I hate mondays
I like Mondays :D New week, fresh start. I miss going to the gym on the weekends. I find Sat and Sun to be boring with not much to do. The days just draaaaag along...
I'm different. As Learner would say, I'm such a dork :D :laugh: