Fucking Rude ASS Foreigners!


Staff member
So yesterday the wife and I took the twins to the Aquarium! First off the Aquarium is in one of the worst cities in the country, Yes the entire country, Camden New Jersey, which has been the murder capitol of the country a couple different times over the years. So the city i guess tried revitalizing the area with some new water front areas with aquariums and some nice water front property on the other side of the shitty ass town.

So you would think all the ghetto ass folks from that area would be the problem, but nope, it was all the fucking Foreigners , Indians and such that are so GOD damn fucking rude!

The ghetto white, black and spanish folks were some of the nicest people there out and about enjoying their days, Polite as could be, however all the Foreigners were IGNORANT PIECES OF SHIT! I can't tell you how many times I wanted to elbow a DOT HEAD! We have boy/girl twins 2 years old next month, and these ignorant fucks would trample my KIDs if i let them!

I must have said excuse me to this one Dot Head bitch about 5 times, the 3rd time i know she heard me, as she looked back over her shoulder and seen me and my kids trying to get by and she purposely stood in the way, so i loudly said to my wife I'm about to start elbowing people, and this dot head chicks husband heard me and finally grabbed her and pulled her out of the way.

This is why i hate crowds, and for the most part i loath human beings! Im there with my wife each of us holding one of the babies and trying to watch the hippos get fed, and more dot heads squeeze in front of us with their kids on their shoulders so we could not see, If I'm being honest I wanted to take the baby dot head of his dads shoulders and throw him and his dad into the hippo pit and let my kids watch them get eaten!

ANyhow, why are foreigners so fucking rude! Its not a lost in translation type of thing, I mean rude is rude in all languages and cultures, these people are just ignorant pieces of garbage, whereas the destitute locals were among the nicest people there!

Never ever again! Im not buying Gas from dot heads anymore, and I'm not going to any more dot shops like 7/eleven!

and if your reading this and your a dot head, tough fucking shit!
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Another great rant Bro, but am sorry these MF'ers at least semi-ruined what was supposed to be a family outing. For whatever reason, the dot heads always come across as rude, no personality and in general almost anti American. Speaking for myself, I never had issues with Europeans, Latinos or Asians (with few exceptions). But the dot heads look like they have bugs crawling over them which turn off.
Asians always cause me the most problems. Always asking for discounts and buy one get one free and shit. I understand in their culture bartering is still extremely common but fuck, my store has 4 walls and a door we're not in a bazaar. Seriously they ask for some weird ass discounts too "senior discount, cash discount, family discount" fuckin crazy man
Asians always cause me the most problems. Always asking for discounts and buy one get one free and shit. I understand in their culture bartering is still extremely common but fuck, my store has 4 walls and a door we're not in a bazaar. Seriously they ask for some weird ass discounts too "senior discount, cash discount, family discount" fuckin crazy man
I'd tell them sure but as long as I can charge you double for the first one!! :)
I am from south florida and my high school had 52 different nationalities attending there. I have never met a more ignorant human being than the Hatians. The funny thing is i had a really good friend that was Hatian. No other race has really bothered me.
Lmao bro! I hear ya. Every time I'm behind the worst driver I pass them and without question it's a foreigner. Dumbfucks in fast lane going 45 in a 65. See these morons all the time.

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Lmao bro! I hear ya. Every time I'm behind the worst driver I pass them and without question it's a foreigner. Dumbfucks in fast lane going 45 in a 65. See these morons all the time.

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This I understand though. If you saw a sign that had the speed limit and exits in Russian or Chinese you'd probably be driving slow as fuck too bro lol
Yeah, we are becoming minorities and jobs are getting harder to find good American people. I was in the military and believed that foreigners should stay in there own countries, I still believe that.
Lmao bro! I hear ya. Every time I'm behind the worst driver I pass them and without question it's a foreigner. Dumbfucks in fast lane going 45 in a 65. See these morons all the time.

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You just described every driver from Maryland, too...
I had the unfortunate experience of sharing office space with a male "dot head". The mother fucker stole from me every chance he got: cash from my drawer, office supplies, using my copy and fax machine. You name it. He even went to Staples several times and stole my credits by saying he was me. Of course the sonofabitch vehemently denied it every time, and acted extremely offended every time I accused him. And don't even get me started on their social interactions, such as Presser expressed. I hate the mother fuckers with a passion. As I am typing this I am really pissed.
Its all good I am right there with you we avoid crowds so I don't have to hurt some one..LOL.You actually handled better then I would have , those fuckers in our country look down on us.With all thats going on I always give the fucking foreigners an eat shit look while we are out, andd I will bust their fucking ass if they they don't like it.People in general are rude and people staring say just being asses or at my wife I tell them you better put your fucking eyeballs back in your head before I knock them the fuck out.A bunch of fucking ingrates, they need to get the fuck up out of this country...
Lol hahahaga , dot head bitches that's the recording button on head they record all shit lol
This is just to much lol.

I would imagine that I'm not alone when I say that there is a certain segment of people that will say, "they don't understand our ways. You need to be more tolerant.". Then turn around and say how we need to learn about other countries cultures when we travel there. Like no matter what we're in the wrong. I think most of you know the types of people I'm talking about.
This is just to much lol.

I would imagine that I'm not alone when I say that there is a certain segment of people that will say, "they don't understand our ways. You need to be more tolerant.". Then turn around and say how we need to learn about other countries cultures when we travel there. Like no matter what we're in the wrong. I think most of you know the types of people I'm talking about.

It's funny how they preach tolerance but could be the most intolerant group on the planet.