full of shit!

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Did you know that protein powders are simply the by products from the food industry.
"health food companies", go to these food processors and ask them if they would sell them the by products of their original product, like cheese, milk etc.
The distibutors say "sure , thanks, I was going to throw that away anyway, thanks for taking it off my hands, now I will pay less for disposal costs!"
The health food company says,"no problem, here is a couple of bucks for your trouble, food processor."
Did you know that todays, most popular seeling prootien, is the "shit" byproduct of cheese and milk products------Yes you guessed it!
EAT natural.
also whey protein is bad for you in another way, it is oxidized, and there for inherantly has characteristics that are not good for the body, or digestion.
Sorry this is an angry note,
because I"m so fucken tired of company hype,
companies just try to fool us, by spreading inferiority complexes through there advertizing, and making feel less than standard.
this is in all areas of the economy, in food , in cosmetics, in clothing, on tv,
After these companies succesfully plant the seed of insecurity in us, we are left with only one answer:
the only way I can feel better is by buying there product!

lies lies lies,
throw them all away, and spread the truth
darn it!<!--emo&:)--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/IB3/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
I know.  <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/IB3/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->
ah dude....not for nothin but I think most of us know where whey comes from.......remember Little Miss Muffett eating her "curds and WHEY!!!!!!!!"  I've been using the #### stuff for a while and my digestion is fine and dandy!  I eat one to three (depending on the day) of whole food a day and I supplement my other meals with either straight Protein or  a meal replacement shake.  You want to know why?  BECAUSE IT WORKS FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hate the supplement industry all you like I could care less.....but please don't come on here spouting that you are the bearer of "Truth"

You think you know BUT you have NO IDEA!!!!!!!

Oh just in case there's any confusion that was my first official Flame in the entire time I've been on MC.

what tis a flame?
I am new to dicussions, so I am not privey to the
inside language of this particular forum.

-----the truth cometh, whether you like'et or notteth.
Well, I don't know about everyone else but I believe everything that they say in the commercials.  'Specially the bow-flex one....get the body you want in 30 days just 20 min a day 3 days a week.  With it being that simple I can't figure out how come not everyone has a great body.......oh..oh...and the Jack-in-the-box one were they have that guy from the cigarette companies that says he thinks bacon can help prevent hairloss.....if they are saying it, it must be true.  
Dezir ease up on the bow-flex......my dad bought one.....LOL......I didn't have the heart to tell him its a POS (Piece of shit) but he does it religiously 3 days a week plus 2-3 days on a treadmill.....he's 54 years old and I'm just happy he's doing something......I bought him some "WHEY" protein the other day too......the man eats too many carbs so i figured it was a good supplement.

I still think the greatest commercial i ever saw was the spray-on hair.....LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually I think the bow flex is a good machine, its just the commercial that gets me.  And people who do not know any better just belive.....wow, I can look like that in 30 days with less than 2 hrs a week of work.....
Oh well, we can't educate everyone.....lol  And I use protien powder and I am willing to say that I'm sure 99% of the people on this board do.  
so you really thouht it was a good machine? I've tried it a few times and it just doesn't feel right to me.  Oh well to each his own

It depends on what your goals are.  But I do think it serves its purpose.  If you are a body builder....no its not the machine for you.  But if you are just trying to tone up and be healthy....then I think it is good.
I know.

it was a very good response.
but as to the nature of that response, I cannot yield.
for that is a matter of privacy, and independant expression.
yeah no kidding dezir....it better be good with all this buildup and tension.....lol

oh and I definitely agree with you about the bow-flex

Good Dude, you really need to go to the forums page and read the "things you need to know before posting" section at the top of the forums list. It might save you from continuing to be flamed all the time, later
I second that Napalm.  Also, if you read it, you will find out and "become privvy" to the secret language of out forum.

Or at the very least, you will just be doing what you were supposed to do when you first got here. Every nre member can save alot of aggravation if they all read the "Things you need to know" post.
hey bastards...i have a bowflex..well actually my roomate does..and they r not bad machines...and the come in handy 2....alot better than most..so ease up ..cuz ya know if i got 1 ..they gotta b good!! <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/IB3/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
Hey prez, take some deep breaths bro,  count to 10 and relax. Sit back and close your eyes and think happy thoughts. It will be okay, we won't poke fun at your bowflex anymore, we promise. Feel better?............Good because bowflexes are for pussies! LOL.....Later
hmmm...it is a matter of opinions i guess napalm...yours may b wrong..but u still have your opinion...haha..j/k...