fulmenpharma.com tren and mast stack F


New member
would rate my experience with fulmenpharma tren and masteron a straight F across the board.
Prices are expensive I was not impressed with any of their promotions which I wasn’t able to even get.
Shipping is very slow and I had to follow up with them over and over.
Overall the gains I got on cycle were average to poor. We have any improvements to my strength and my muscles look extremely flat.
would rate my experience with fulmenpharma tren and masteron a straight F across the board.
Prices are expensive I was not impressed with any of their promotions which I wasn’t able to even get.
Shipping is very slow and I had to follow up with them over and over.
Overall the gains I got on cycle were average to poor. We have any improvements to my strength and my muscles look extremely flat.
fulmenpharma.com not SAFE
not good
dont use