gains keeper formula


New member
Don't know if any of you have seen this before but I tried it a few years back (yes its been that long) and had good sucess with it.
The DHEA may be substituted for any of the adrostenes on the market.

WEEK Proviron Phosphatidylersine Cyclofenil
7 25mg/d 800mg/d
8 50mg/d 800mg/d 100mg/d
9 (Monday) " 800mg/d 200 mg/d
9 (Thursday) " 800mg/d "
9 (Friday) " 800mg/d "
10 (Monday) " 800mg/d "
10 (Wednesday) " 800mg/d "
11 (Monday) 25mg/d 800mg/d 100mg/d
11 (Friday) 25mg/d 800mg/d

8 250mg/d
9Mon 250mg/d
9 Thurs 250mg/d 5000 IU
9Fri 250mg/d 100 mg/d
10Mon 250mg/d 100mg/d
10Wed 250mg/d 50mg/d

I had to break up the table to post it all. hope someone finds it useful.
DHEA is there to help increase you bodies testosterone levels somewhat artificially while the endocrine system is coming back on line. As you probably know DHEA is a precurser to testosterone (2 conversions away) while the androstene products that came out a few years back are only 1 conversion away. Just looked at my post. Sorry about the jumbled up numbers. If anyone wants it more neatly layed out PM me and I can email the schedule in an excel format.
I will also try & answere ? but be warned I am not an expert so if I tell you i do not know its because i do not know.