"Gay is the new straight."

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillTheButcher
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rogan said:
A lot of women want/like gay male friends because they are not a threat...and they can often be some of the funniest people you'll meet. Also...fwiw any guy who does not want to deal with the attention that can come from gay guys should think twice before getting into bb'ing...my wife is forever chuckling about the times when gay guys have given me the once over or even come on to me right there in front of her. She taught me to say, thanks for the compliment, but it's not for me. Rogan

I think that the fact that your let your wife teach you what to say may if fact prove that you are gay. How about we go rake some hay, down by the bay, I just may, what do you say.

She's a Dr. & more than a little bright...so I tend to listen. Not to mention how much I love making hay with her. So maybe I'm pussy whipped...but if that's what I gotta do to insure I'm getting some -- so be it.