"Gay is the new straight."

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillTheButcher
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I saw this saying as a bumper sticker on someone's car. As a straight male, I am offended.

Glen Whitestone, what do you think?
I'm not offended at all it's almost like they're saying so many people are gay now and coming out of the closet is so "in" that to be gay is the cool thing to be. so? let them be cool and gay. I'm confident in my own masculinity and heterosexuality that I don't worry about it, whatever floats your boat man.

can't we all just get along?!?!?!
I think that there is too much attention on "gay rights" already. Do what you please behind closed doors however I am not comfortable with people throwing it in my face.
jaywooly said:
So then, straight must be the new gay. In that case, I'm the biggest faggot out there.

Here, here.

Good point old chap, good point.
i know that my girl has a couple gay friends and i could care less...she knows that i am tolerable when it comes to that shit, and they know not to cross the line. I dont make out with my girl in public and they know not to be doing the same. I respect the fact that they like dudes but they better not step on my shoes at the same time. i dont push my lifestyle on anyone....so they better do the same

one thing that did piss me off is when a friend of mine's girlfriend said "i want a gay friend"....like, its almost cool for a girl to have gay friends....if they dont they are not politically correct or something.....i dunno
I know dudes that fuck men, in jail.

I just didn't get the bumper sticker.
I think you need to come out of the closet...:) Just get in touch with your feminine side brother we wont think any different of you..rflmao... Lots of gays where I live, some are funny as shit. Some are flaming as hell too.. but hey as long as they dont bother me I dont care where they put there poles... Kind of like some of you straight guys who like to put your poles in fat chicks.. Im not gonna think any different of ya.. as long as you dont do that fatty in my house its all good.

Mr.Huge said:
I think you need to come out of the closet...:) Just get in touch with your feminine side brother we wont think any different of you..rflmao... Lots of gays where I live, some are funny as shit. Some are flaming as hell too.. but hey as long as they dont bother me I dont care where they put there poles... Kind of like some of you straight guys who like to put your poles in fat chicks.. Im not gonna think any different of ya.. as long as you dont do that fatty in my house its all good.


Hey man, fat chicks are like mopeds, they are fun to ride until your friends catch you on them.

And by the way Mr. Huge, I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

I give you a big :thumbsup:
yeah, I agree with Bill. Seems like these they are using "being Gay" as a crutch. If you don't like me cause I am gay that means you are a bigget. I have a friend who is gay, we no longer hang out. But he was cool cause he did not act like a faggot and respected others opinions on his lifestyle. Alot of the fags in my area are so fucking erogant. It makes me sick to my stomach. If i don't want to be around some one who is gay its because it makes me feel unconfortable. Like Eddy Murphy said "what are we gonna talke about with a gay friend?" "ok well I am going to go have a beer what are you gonna do, I'm gonna go suck some dick!" lol It sucks to be honest about stuff like this, look at what happened to Dice Clay the Ice Man. He was the most paid comedian until he started making fun of the Gay. He once said " Whats with these faggots running around saying We want our rights, I'll give your rights, 10% off Vaseline."
OH! A gay guy tried kissing me once witha girl present. I was not happy.
TheElmo said:
I'll give your rights, 10% off Vaseline."

Damn you might be able to get a big fat cycle with that kind of savings even though you aint gay... :finger: sorry man incase you can't tell i like to fuck with people...haha

Yo and for you Buttcrackbilly.... you liked that shit come on now... hows a gay guy gonna kiss you without getting a ass whoopin? I bet your gonna change your story now.. huh....lmao :moon:

Mr.Huge said:
Damn you might be able to get a big fat cycle with that kind of savings even though you aint gay... :finger: sorry man incase you can't tell i like to fuck with people...haha

Yo and for you Buttcrackbilly.... you liked that shit come on now... hows a gay guy gonna kiss you without getting a ass whoopin? I bet your gonna change your story now.. huh....lmao :moon:


I had a razor ib my hand. Nuff said! That bitch is lucky I didn't carve him into a Freddy Kruger doll.
i think billy is in denial with his sexuality...i mean comeon, a gay guy tried to kiss you, there is one logic reason, you poses as a special gay trait... LOL...just kiddin bro!!
I have some gay friends. Well, they are more so my girlfriend's friend's. They are lesbians. For the most part they don't bother me except when they make it a point to let people know they are gay. Like they are telling a story about something that happened and they just throw in a comment about them being gay like people didn't already know. lol. My brother is also gay and I've gone out with him a few times in San Franscisco. He's taken me to gay bars (he didn't tell me that they were gay bars before we went. :( ) and for the most part no one bothered me. I would get the occasional weird looks that would make me feel uncomortable. (like getting checked out...looked at up and down. lol)

There is one thing, however, first of all I got free drinks from the bartenders for no reason. lmao. secondly there are a ton of hot women at gay bars. lmao. Now I don't try to frquent them but it's not as bad as one would think.
Well, this here is your basic Vietnam jungle boot. Good for running through the mud and stompin' queers although when your done you have to clean the waffle out with a stick.
People can do what they want- what I don't like is people throwing it in your face so you notice. Same goes for religion- people are free to pray to whoever they want, just don't force your beliefs on me. Same applies here.
LMAO glenn !! I love that movie. Then he gets the guy in the back and finds a snow ball glass. and sais "What is this? FAGGOT SHIT!? lol funny ass movie :D
Bignick said:
i know that my girl has a couple gay friends and i could care less...she knows that i am tolerable when it comes to that shit, and they know not to cross the line. I dont make out with my girl in public and they know not to be doing the same. I respect the fact that they like dudes but they better not step on my shoes at the same time. i dont push my lifestyle on anyone....so they better do the same

one thing that did piss me off is when a friend of mine's girlfriend said "i want a gay friend"....like, its almost cool for a girl to have gay friends....if they dont they are not politically correct or something.....i dunno

A lot of women want/like gay male friends because they are not a threat...and they can often be some of the funniest people you'll meet. Also...fwiw any guy who does not want to deal with the attention that can come from gay guys should think twice before getting into bb'ing...my wife is forever chuckling about the times when gay guys have given me the once over or even come on to me right there in front of her. She taught me to say, thanks for the compliment, but it's not for me. Rogan