genetics, even the best still do high doses.


MuscleChemistry member
I am finding out more and more, on what the pro's and top NPC guys are doing. Even the ones with the so call genetics are taking a shit load! How does 8cc's of test every other day sound? and thats just test.
yeah, I hear stuff all the time at big shows...Like for example that one top 5 mr.o, was taking 4 grams of test per week, 8 iu's of hgh per day, ect, ect...2 grams of test, almost seems to be normal now...Hell, back in the day, if a guy was taking 1000mg of test, we thought that was alot...not anymore I guess...
Thats rediculous, i keep trying to figure out how they rotate sites safely. how would they not be a walking absess? i do 4cc a day but its just winny and masteron together.

8cc? i couldnt do it........and the lump, you know that feels like a hard kick in the ass after.
the thing is you have to have a certain amount of genetics to be able to absorb,process, and use all of that gear in those amounts......
what combo a meds do these guys take to fight the head aches and swelling from injections ect.?
what combo a meds do these guys take to fight the head aches and swelling from injections ect.?

I have noticed alot of serious guys are also seriously addicted to pain meds, not all, however I have seen a good amount
yeah, I hear stuff all the time at big shows...Like for example that one top 5 mr.o, was taking 4 grams of test per week, 8 iu's of hgh per day, ect, ect...2 grams of test, almost seems to be normal now...Hell, back in the day, if a guy was taking 1000mg of test, we thought that was alot...not anymore I guess...

yeah, and thats what Im doing now. Time to up the dose. lol
Thats rediculous, i keep trying to figure out how they rotate sites safely. how would they not be a walking absess? i do 4cc a day but its just winny and masteron together.

8cc? i couldnt do it........and the lump, you know that feels like a hard kick in the ass after.

Lats, traps, biceps, triceps, quads, glutes, vastus medialis, they stick it anywhere it will go. It's pretty crazy
3-4 grams a week off test e(1 g a week during cruise)

1 g tren a week,etc....

what seperates a regular BB'er from an ifbb BB'er is there ability to take massive ammounts of gear and not get sick

thats a big part of there genetics
3-4 grams a week off test e(1 g a week during cruise)

1 g tren a week,etc....

what seperates a regular BB'er from an ifbb BB'er is there ability to take massive ammounts of gear and not get sick

thats a big part of there genetics

that plus 8-10 iu's of HGH per day (if not more) and I have heard of some guys using 100-300mcg's of IGF per day (if not more) ...and the insulin, plays a huge part...humalog is the main one...
I wonder how much these guys are spending on that amount of gear.

I've got a few buddy's that are top pro's. I know one in particular has a 100k contract and is in debt to everyone he knows for anywhere from 3k to 15k. He's been evicted 3 times in one year. He also sells..... He had to leave the state due to all the people coming after him for money. I think that should put the cost of their usage in perspective...
This debate is rather odd to me. I, like many, subscribe to MD so I'm always reading about this stuff and every pro I've ever heard speak on the subject heavily refutes this. Of course, not every pro is questioned or offers to address the situation but a few have and do. I think it really varies for people. I think guys like Chris 250 grow off 400 mgs of deca where other don't. And this makes since when you consider androgen receptor sensitivity (I posted an artical on this a few months back). So I think that in realty their are folks taking a truck load worth of shit but I think there are those who are able to get by on rather conservative regimens too.
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