<iframe id="twitter-widget-i1441388886747847266" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" class="twitter-share-button twitter-share-button-rendered twitter-tweet-button" src="" data-url="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 55px; height: 20px;"></iframe>GENOTROPIN HGH FACTS AND CARTRIDGE PROPER USE:
Genotropin Cartridge is filled with special water solution specifically made to be mixed with Genotropin Hormone (Included in the same cartridge)
NEVER Use any other kind of water solution !! (nor any bact. water that can damage the hormone actually)
All kinds of bact. water contain Benzyl Alcochol which is harmful to Hormone Powder.
Genotropin Cartridge use:
1. Push the rubber end of the cartridge so the water solution will combine with hormone powder properly.
2. NEVER shake the Genotropin Solution - it will disolve itself naturally.
3. When the hormone and water solution are combined completely - Use SLINPINS to draw back the Product form the other end of the cartidge into your Slinpin
Genotropin Cartridge is filled with special water solution specifically made to be mixed with Genotropin Hormone (Included in the same cartridge)
NEVER Use any other kind of water solution !! (nor any bact. water that can damage the hormone actually)
All kinds of bact. water contain Benzyl Alcochol which is harmful to Hormone Powder.
Genotropin Cartridge use:
1. Push the rubber end of the cartridge so the water solution will combine with hormone powder properly.
2. NEVER shake the Genotropin Solution - it will disolve itself naturally.
3. When the hormone and water solution are combined completely - Use SLINPINS to draw back the Product form the other end of the cartidge into your Slinpin