Genxxl Growth Hormone

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Has anyone used this product from Genxxl? I saw it was on sale this month and was just wondering if anyone has ever tried it. I thought about picking some up while it was still on sale, but wasn't sure what the quality was. If you've used it, how'd you run it and how'd you like it
no i havent tried it.... i could imagine its ok though.

genxx has great products

bump for some info fellas
Yea I've liked their stuff that I've tried so far so I thought it'd be at least decent. I've never tried HGH and have always thought about it. I ran IGF-1 and liked it and I've been itching to try HGH for some time now
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I've heard that they are just relabeled generics form multiple sources. This is what a lot of folks say on other boards at least. DO a google search; not too much positive feedback. The consensus seems to be that they work, they're just over priced relabeled genereics
yeah my guess is that they are generics from china...just relabled...doesnt mean there not good...just has the Gennxxl label on it...

maybe DW can chime in
syntrom hgh is one of the few products that are shipped directly from the manufacturer and not a genxxl shipper.....on OLM there's a really good log of NPC national competitor shadow11_290 and his feedback on the syntrom hgh and how it compares to others he's used in the past
syntrom hgh is one of the few products that are shipped directly from the manufacturer and not a genxxl shipper.....on OLM there's a really good log of NPC national competitor shadow11_290 and his feedback on the syntrom hgh and how it compares to others he's used in the past

I'd check it out, but I just got banned from OLM
I just bought it

And I will log it along with slin and MC igf1 and TRT dose of test cyp

Goals are to maintain mass during off period, repair shoulder also bring up lagoon parts/arms

Better be good for the price, I will run a HG test on it too

I'll add link here on how that is done for those who are not aware, should be starting up in a couple of weeks
I just bought it

And I will log it along with slin and MC igf1 and TRT dose of test cyp

Goals are to maintain mass during off period, repair shoulder also bring up lagoon parts/arms

Better be good for the price, I will run a HG test on it too

I'll add link here on how that is done for those who are not aware, should be starting up in a couple of weeks

What exactly do you mean when you say that you will be running a HG test on it? I mean I know one can reconstitute some and pour it over a pregnancy kit test in order to ensure it at least is not HCG. Is that what you are referring to? I didn't think so, but I just wanted to make sure.

Look forward to hearing your results. The thing is that generic HGH is going to give you good results; maybe you require more IU's on a daily basis than the brand name stuff, but the huge price difference really makes up for any potential difference in potency....

I have spoken with many others on this, and that seems to be the general consensus.
I think alot of people fail to realize that to grow on HGH, or "maintain" mass you have to run a solid dosage

If it is legit syntrom, there products have been good to me in the past...If it is relabeled, then so long as it's real, whats the worst it can be blue tops, and those are even halfway decent for the price...

At the very least you'd be getting something real, which is better to spend the extra cash, if you don't have a legit cheaper source, never roll the dice on HGH unless you are directly referred to the source, it is far too easy to counterfeit...

And dont forget one way to find out if it is HCG is to withdraw some of it and place it on a womans home pregnancy tester...Again, "one way"
yeah i agree with you basically. Still I disagree about getting rHGH from genxxlgear. I know of many many other suppliers that chage less than half what they charge for a generic product. I have spoken with reps from both Naps and Gen about their overpriced HGH, and they said they need to have a very high profit margin for it since they sell it SO infrequently. Go figure....
Still I disagree about getting rHGH from genxxlgear. I know of many many other suppliers that chage less than half what they charge for a generic product.

Well you see, you said it there, you know "many many" other suppliers, so that is exactly what I was saying...

If you know many many legit suppliers, then you are good to go...

If you do not ,GX is legit, you are better off paying double for the real deal then half price for hcg!!
Well you see, you said it there, you know "many many" other suppliers, so that is exactly what I was saying...

If you know many many legit suppliers, then you are good to go...

If you do not ,GX is legit, you are better off paying double for the real deal then half price for hcg!!

Touche salesman
What exactly do you mean when you say that you will be running a HG test on it? I mean I know one can reconstitute some and pour it over a pregnancy kit test in order to ensure it at least is not HCG. Is that what you are referring to? I didn't think so, but I just wanted to make sure.

Look forward to hearing your results. The thing is that generic HGH is going to give you good results; maybe you require more IU's on a daily basis than the brand name stuff, but the huge price difference really makes up for any potential difference in potency....

I have spoken with many others on this, and that seems to be the general consensus.

If you're like many with no insurance and want to get your IGF levels tested, this is what you need to do to know the quality of your gh. $69 and you won't have to take anybody's word, worKs with insurance too

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