Purity Source labs Get Diced with this Gold Line Favorite!



Cutting plus mix 300mg/mL-
100mg Testosterone Propionate,
100mg Masteron Propionate,
100mg Trenbolone Acetate
This terrific trio understands the rules of 3, fast acting for a "rapid" onset with serums in the blood concentration, supporting the characteristics of each hormone this will provide a noticeable effect that will promote/enhance an increase with strength, size, fat-loss and most of all a stable and strong libido for most males.
This blend can offer multifunctional roles, whether the goal is cutting or gaining lean muscle mass.
This blend is on the cutting edge with sitting near the top tier with other formulas. With this blend one could have expectations to see more strength & muscle gains with a continuous and steady supply of testosterone, and most of all MORE FREE T and low to minimal estro sides. This blend is known for enhancing the environment with supporting the reduction of body fat/adipose tissue & lean muscle gains, also maintaining a strong and healthy libido all the while improving your mood and mental clarity and energy with upstanding cognitive functions.

Will produce rapid gains in strength and muscle with moderate aromatization possible.
Keep an AI on hand.

Is a dht derivative that works well with other aromatizing steroids such as testosterone.
Masteron will help increase lean muscle tissue and hardness.
It will have an enhanced effect when it come to fatloss.
Masteron will give you a very hard dry look.
Great for Prep.

Trenbolone acetate:
Tren is about 4-5x more anabolic/androgenic than testosterone
Tren has been shown to augment skeletal muscle and reduce adiposity.
There is no other anabolic used more widely then tren When it comes to rapidly building strength and muscle while drastically reducing fat. Users can expect dramatic changes in only a few short weeks
If you really wanna take this to the next level . Add some (cardio agent- GW501516) this will help give you that one two punch, not only with its ability to help burn fat, but it will also help improve your aerobic capacity. You will be able to push harder and longer while recovering faster.
Cardarine will also help improve your cholesterol and help mitigate your sides while on tren.
If your trying to lean up ,get shredded, or just look good for summer.. I suggest getting a few vials of the cutting mix plus. This Gold line blend will have you looking and feeling your very best in no time..
Don't wait , get yours today
If you wanna get strong, add lean mass, and drop your bf all at th3 same time.
This is the blend for you. Hurry and get yours Now. This blend sells out pretty fast.