Getting back on the wagon


New member
SO I tore my pec May 27th and had surgery on June 12th. I'd say I'm "back" right now. benched 365 2 weeks ago so the strength is coming back and nothing hurts so that's good.

well I've still got a little atrophy going on. my left shoulder and pec are slightly smaller than my right. it's not bad at all in fact most people don't notice anything. but I do and it's driving me bananas. basically I'm looking for the best combo to get everything back to normal. in the past I've done test/tren/eq with great results. my rehab was a growth kit followed by MC's igf-1 all while on a low dose(200mg/wk) of test.

I was thinking of test(400mg/wk), igf-1(60mcg/day), and anadrol(not sure on the dose yet). I figured test is a basic for anything then the igf-1 and anadrol will be good for strength(anadrol) so I can do more weight with my reps getting a better pump(igf).


I should note that my training right now centers around powerlifting but after my tare I'm thinking about doing 1 more meet and making the switch to bodybuilding. I'm currently sitting at 210 completely clean and have been for about 8 weeks. I think once I get back into the swing of things I'm going to blow past 220 and out of the weight class I've been competing in. I don't know if my strength will keep up with the weight gain I'll exp this time. at 220 I'm very competitive but 240 is a whole other world.
SO I tore my pec May 27th and had surgery on June 12th. I'd say I'm "back" right now. benched 365 2 weeks ago so the strength is coming back and nothing hurts so that's good.

well I've still got a little atrophy going on. my left shoulder and pec are slightly smaller than my right. it's not bad at all in fact most people don't notice anything. but I do and it's driving me bananas. basically I'm looking for the best combo to get everything back to normal. in the past I've done test/tren/eq with great results. my rehab was a growth kit followed by MC's igf-1 all while on a low dose(200mg/wk) of test.

I was thinking of test(400mg/wk), igf-1(60mcg/day), and anadrol(not sure on the dose yet). I figured test is a basic for anything then the igf-1 and anadrol will be good for strength(anadrol) so I can do more weight with my reps getting a better pump(igf).


I should note that my training right now centers around powerlifting but after my tare I'm thinking about doing 1 more meet and making the switch to bodybuilding. I'm currently sitting at 210 completely clean and have been for about 8 weeks. I think once I get back into the swing of things I'm going to blow past 220 and out of the weight class I've been competing in. I don't know if my strength will keep up with the weight gain I'll exp this time. at 220 I'm very competitive but 240 is a whole other world.

Well good to hear ur back after such an awful injury!

I can say with absolute confidence, that ANADROL is a bad choice, it will blow you up with water , make you stronger then the rest of ur tendons really are at the moment, i think its a bad idea for the mere fact of that reasoning, unless you know better ahead of time when taking the drol and know not to go nuts like the anadrol will have ya feeling,lol.

If anyone has any info why anadrol would be a good idea after a pec tare, im all ears, and im serious, maybe theirs somehting im missing, i know its for muscle wasting but i dont think its a good idea right now,

Well good to hear ur back after such an awful injury!

I can say with absolute confidence, that ANADROL is a bad choice, it will blow you up with water , make you stronger then the rest of ur tendons really are at the moment, i think its a bad idea for the mere fact of that reasoning, unless you know better ahead of time when taking the drol and know not to go nuts like the anadrol will have ya feeling,lol.

If anyone has any info why anadrol would be a good idea after a pec tare, im all ears, and im serious, maybe theirs somehting im missing, i know its for muscle wasting but i dont think its a good idea right now,


yeah, I thought about that when I was looking at drol. I think mentally I'll be to scared to go much higher any time soon. but who knows. if I can do something more mild or even orals that would be good for like a month or so. I'm open to suggestions.
yeah, I thought about that when I was looking at drol. I think mentally I'll be to scared to go much higher any time soon. but who knows. if I can do something more mild or even orals that would be good for like a month or so. I'm open to suggestions.

well as long as ur conscious of it then i dont see a problem with it and it might be good for healing, i was just concerned with it making you so strong so fast and u re-injuring urself. But i think its good for healing over all the other orals, as oral winstrol would not be a good choice, anavar im not sure about, anyone else?
Absolutely agree on Anadrol, it is not the best choice. Too many problems come with it and if your goal is looking good and having perfect shape, Anadrol is not for you. If you plan to be a weightlifter.. lol
You can stick with the classic oral stack: D-bol 4 weeks and Wisntrol 4 weeks after. I think it is a good choice for you.
I got your email and sent you my offer.

well as long as ur conscious of it then i dont see a problem with it and it might be good for healing, i was just concerned with it making you so strong so fast and u re-injuring urself. But i think its good for healing over all the other orals, as oral winstrol would not be a good choice, anavar im not sure about, anyone else?

I was on anavar when I injured it. of course like I said in my thread about it I really think there were several other factors that caused it.

I've been(or at least I think so) very smart about coming back. I've been moving the weight in a very controlled manner and I've started using a slingshot more often.
Absolutely agree on Anadrol, it is not the best choice. Too many problems come with it and if your goal is looking good and having perfect shape, Anadrol is not for you. If you plan to be a weightlifter.. lol
You can stick with the classic oral stack: D-bol 4 weeks and Wisntrol 4 weeks after. I think it is a good choice for you.
I got your email and sent you my offer.

yeah I'm not sure what direction I want to go in right now. but I would think I need to be balanced to prevent another injury. I also curious about anadrol.

I've never tired winstrol but I really like dbol. it put me in the best mood ever. It just gave me a sense of "ahhhhh." a relaxed sort of well being. it's pretty expensive locally so I'll have to locate another source. I haven't checked on winstrol but I'd imagine it's the same.
Welcome back, yeah I think Anadrol not the best choice, too much water in your muscle body, putting more stress and risk of another injury.
yeah and i wouldnt go the winstrol route either bro

What is it about winstrol that is bad in my case.

I've got plenty of tren & EQ left over should I stack with one of those? I am reluctant to get back on the tren though just because of the breathing and tightness I get in my hips. I look like a contestant from the Biggest Loser on the first day on a treadmill. lol
For me it's the joint issues I wouldn't wanna deal with while trying to come back , nor would I wanna dry out too much but other then that I guess in moderation if you use it I just know how my muscles and joints feel on it which is why I wouldn't use it after an injury. I would just stick with testosterone hgh and or igf
the good thing about having no chest, s it cant tear, ps stand by for how I tear my chest tonight
so what's everyone think?


I'll probably put my test at 600mg a week with a cyp split in 2 shot a week or one big one once. 600-700 seems to be my ceiling of diminishing return. after that I just break out and get a little grumpy. how much dbol and igf should I put with that?
so what's everyone think?


I'll probably put my test at 600mg a week with a cyp split in 2 shot a week or one big one once. 600-700 seems to be my ceiling of diminishing return. after that I just break out and get a little grumpy. how much dbol and igf should I put with that?

yeah i think that sounds pretty good bro, i would keep the dianabol low dosed, so you dont get so strong that you push more weight then your tendons and joint can handle at first getting back into it, kind of like the reasoning i was against the anadrol, but i think a low dose dbol is cool with the testosterone and the igf,

what dose do u normally run ur igf at? i would say 50mcgs daily would be beneficial and maybe 20-25 mg dbol daily is all ya need to feel great and help build back up . as for the testosterone, i would just use it once a week all in one shot but theirs no issues in breaking it up into 2 shots per week, if ya think that will help keep ur blood levels more stable then yeah split it up.
I think I did 60mcg of igf after realizing 30 wasn't enough. But it wasn't for long. I'll probably just do my test one a week. I hate needless.

What do you think about EQ? i only ask because I have quite but laying around
I'm not sure about adding EQ bro maybe some others can chime in on why it should or shouldn't be used for what your looking to do come back wise from ur injury