getting in your food every day


New member
I'm sure you've heard this about a million times, but I'm going to make it a million and one times. I'm getting tired of eating chicken and eggs all the time. It takes me a good 1/2 hr to finish my meals now because I'm so tired of eating it that I have to chew on everything forever so I can swallow it without gagging. Do any of you have a strategy or any tips on how you get through your meals day after day?
Ya it's the toughest part of this sport! I feel ya bro! I get sick of my whole life consumed by eating. People tell me,"hanging out with you is like having a day of eating". I just try not to dwell on it and push forward knowing those meals are a necessity for me to hit my life goals.
this is why i drink pre made protein shakes daily! I can't eat for shit! I have a horrible appetite, and i buy a few cases of pure protein every single week! yes it gets expensive but it works for me when it comes to getting my protein in
I do a protein shake first thing in the morning and its my favorite "meal" of the day right now. Ive got a bunch of different recipes and stuff but then id be in the kitchen all day every day. I know theres not a whole lot anybody can do but I just needed to vent and hear from others that it sucks. It helps me knowing that others hate it like I do.
for me its all about mixing in foods that really kick my saliva glands into gear, for me those things would be, peanut butter, avacados, buckwheat with fruit in it etc. I mix my chicken and meats with those and I can get it down pretty easy. For me its all about how I make my meats too, if I make them 2 days in advance and they dry out etc. I cant eat it, but if its fresh like I just cooked it with some fresh steamed rice, 1/2 fresh avocado, little lime juice, salt substitute, and pepper and I can eat that almost every meal and not get tired of it. I eat a lot of buckwheat for carbs since I am gluten free, that with some fruit, or some fresh pico de gallo over my egg whites and I'm golden. Snacks peanut butter and banana, with just a few slices of chicken breast for extra protein most days. I also eat Sardines for snacks for extra omega 3's, way easier to eat for me then any other kind of fast prepared fish.

It is the toughest part eating enough of these bland meals per day. When I hit a grove where I can't eat like that anymore, I dirty it up for about a week, more sauces a little cheating here and there. Then going back on normal meals helps me feel better/cleaner less bloat etc. so I have a much easier time for a few more months.
Ive been slow cooking my chicken lately and its helped alot to get away from the dry grilled version. I only make enough chicken for 3 days or it gets too dry for me. I do use spices and sauces/condiments when I can. I love avocados but I just don't use them for some reason, maybe I'll start. Its funny cause it used to be that I could get in all my protein but not my Carbs and now its opposite. In the last few days I decided to eat nothing but cottage cheese and Greek yogurt and add in my fats and Carbs where necessary. Its working for now but its not a long term strategy.
Lol its all about seasoning guys. Sodium free seasoning and garlic will make any meal taste better. Lots of hot sauce and salsa in the off season, and lots of paprika in season. Our food doesn't have to be bland, and frankly i've never got tired of eating chicken. I could make chicken and rice with broccoli about 100 different ways, so i never get tired of it.
Lol its all about seasoning guys. Sodium free seasoning and garlic will make any meal taste better. Lots of hot sauce and salsa in the off season, and lots of paprika in season. Our food doesn't have to be bland, and frankly i've never got tired of eating chicken. I could make chicken and rice with broccoli about 100 different ways, so i never get tired of it.

+1 bro, people ask me all the time aren't you tired of eating the same thing every day, im like no not really it still tastes clean and good to me. last night post gym I had a cup of brown rice, 15 pieces of steamed and seasoned asparagus, and 6 ounces of seasoned grilled juicy chicken, with 1/2 an avocado sliced over the chicken, it was freaking awesome.
Mmmmmm asparagus. I love that shit. And I mince garlic and put it all over all my veggies. God its awesome. Garlic and onions are so good for ya.
Garlic, onions... love this stuff. I like fish, so I eat tilapia filets, salmon, pollack filets, all seasoned with cajun seasoning, or whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. Often with steamed veggies, often with minced garlic and pepper...

Scrambled eggs with salsa mixed in is my "famous" Southwest Scramble... I chop up and saute veggies, half an onion and dice up some ham or bacon, or even chicken and throw all that in scrambled eggs with hot pepper flakes for a veggie scramble. Keeps it varied and interesting. I can't eat the same thing every single day!!

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