Good deed ?


Anyone done a good deed lately? .. I did Tonite. Knock on my door , open it and two cub scouts selling nuts and coffee and chocolate for thier club in thier club outfits, Age 6&8..dads out on the sidewalk.. I thought dammit I don't have 12$ for a lb a almonds till the youngest kid looked up to me and said .. Man.. Are you a pro wrestler! Lmao.. First time I felt big!.. So I bought a lb..
I always try to hold the door open for people, little things here and there like that.
Recently I committed to growing my hair out for Almost an inch now; 9 more to go to reach minimum length.
Should keep my head warm through the winter months. First snow dropped yesterday
Haha that's great man. No jokes about you being a cheap skate this time, that was nice.

I live my life to do something for others everyday. Sometimes it is passing along a compliment but stuff like that just spreads a smile and if it makes someone cheer up then great.
Im the same way, I go out of my way to be polite to people and fucking hate when they are ignorant unappreciative pricks,lol