Grip on deadlifts make a difference?

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Does having the overhand/underhand grip make any difference as opposed to both hands overhand? I typically do the overhand grip because I don't like the other grip.
alot of people say that if you do alternate like I do, you are asking for a bicep tear-I feel it is better...think it's personal preferance though

my girlfriend's dad tore his bicep back in the day using an alternate grip-then again he was deadlifting over 700lbs
Alternate grip is primarily used in strength sports, because you cannot use straps in contest, therefore the over under hand will allow you to barehanded hold the bar, using chalk of course also...

Ahh, so that's the reason for the grip. That's how we always did them in high school way back when, but I never knew why.
i always use overhand grip. i use wraps and an overhand grip is just another technique to avoid injury.
Overhand grip when I use straps, alternate grip when I don't. It's funny how OCD I am about it too. I'll alternate which hand is underhand and which is over hand per set, just in case it makes a difference in my back development :D
Same as said above ive personally finished tearing my long head bicep's on power grip or over under. Was d/ling about 615 going for my 2nd rep and pop. Stick with overhand unless you are doing a meet that wont allow straps.
good question and answers. I always did alternate. but its one of those things i guess i never really thought about.
I always used straps too. I just went overhand. I would alternate arms when I didn't have straps as well. I was only repping like 400 but it still killed my hands to not use straps. Shin pads would be nice too.
I always used straps too. I just went overhand. I would alternate arms when I didn't have straps as well. I was only repping like 400 but it still killed my hands to not use straps. Shin pads would be nice too.

try to smear vasoline on your shins before the movement this has helped me in the past
doesn't allow the bar to slide that much easier but it does reduce chaffing and save on the skin
seems if i use a overhand with both hands i get more strain on my lower back...... so by using a different grip with each hand helps relieve me
I have the "hooks" that I use, and I like those. I always go overhand.

On a side note, do you guys do full or partials with deadlifts? Every since attending a clinic years ago in NC, I've done partial, because I was told that the bulk of the "profits" come from the top 3/4 of the move anyways, and going just below the knee to straight up is where size and strength come from.
that's how I do mine anymore, I've noticed that the majority of stress on my knees is at the bottom of the movement...
I'm trying to stimulate my muscles not blow my knee out