Growth Reminder...


National Strongman Competitor
I found myself frustrated after today's workout because I have worked so hard this month, my strength is awesome, but I noticed a small amount of size which I had lost, maybe even 2 or 3 pounds...and it once again occurred to me, that I am leaving out the most important thing to progress...


Not junk, not just high calories, though this is good, but good quality unprocessed foods and meats and vegetables increased water, etc, etc..I slacked in this one area this month, and noticeably have paid the price.

Now though this is not a secret, it is many times forgotten by all of us, regardless of experience level..

You can up your dose of whatever supplement you are taking, you can workout 2 hours 7 days per week, you can sleep 12 hours per day..but unless you have the proper nutrition, you are just spinning in circles...

I many times have to remind myself, so figured since there are many new guys to the sport, who may be spinning in circles or going through the motions, find it in you to go grocery shopping, plan your meals, eat every few hours, increase your calories, and put all the other pieces of the puzzle together, sleep, less stress, more water, intense workouts, etc...

and you are guaranteed new strength and size :)

Basic principle, often forgotten or not prioritized.
and if you cant eat, add some b12 or periactin to your diet...gets the ole appetite up. Wes makes another great point here. He's on a roll today
I do all of that but run out of funds sometimes to support the appetite so to fix this I befriend a nice gal who loves to's a win win for both . She can look at me and I can eat for free.. Lol.. I'm not always a dick..
and if you cant eat, add some b12 or periactin to your diet...gets the ole appetite up. Wes makes another great point here. He's on a roll today

i agree on this....Im sitting at the point that I cant eat anymore at my weight so some B12 or periactin would diff help out....
I do all of that but run out of funds sometimes to support the appetite so to fix this I befriend a nice gal who loves to's a win win for both . She can look at me and I can eat for free.. Lol.. I'm not always a dick..

You don't need to tell us that they are always 300 pounds, we get it